I’ve got some mega 2016 goals. Last year I wrote the post 15 Ways to Make 2015 better. It was interesting to re-read that post and see how poorly I did in some of those areas! Like “commit fully to an 85/15 clean eating diet.” Big. Time. Fail. So, that’s going to be number one on the list again this year!
But some things I am really glad to say I actually did. Like #15. Visit my best friend Kerry. I am so glad that Jelly Bean and I got to spend an incredible 10 days in France with my best friend and her sweet daughter. It still is going back on the list for 2016. Why not?
16 Things I want to Achieve in 2016
1. Commit fully to and transition to an 85/15 Clean Diet.
THIS year I am really going to do this. Because I feel terrible. Like TERRIBLE. I want to get my gut healthy, I want to get on track, and I want to feel good! While I recognize that eating clean 100% may be possible, I don’t think it would be very fun. So, my goal is to eating clean 85% of the time AND going gluten free. The more I read on the connection between gluten and auto immune diseases, the more I realize I’ve just got to bite the bullet if I ever want to feel good again. And folks, I do NOT feel good right now.
As part of this, I’m attending the FREE online summit – the Healthy Gut Summit. You should consider attending too if you’re ready to learn about how an unhealthy gut can pretty much ruin everything else for you.
2. Exercise more.
I failed on this in 2015. Started off strong and then hurt my knee… and everything went down hill from there. Since I had surgery on my knee in December 2015, I won’t be signing up for any 5Ks soon, but hopefully by summer time, I’ll be ready to sign up and start training. If nothing else, I have my treadmill desk, and I’m committing to walking at least 30 minutes 5 days a week.
3. Write more.
I failed NANOWRIMO completely in 2015. I have that fiction book inside of me just scratching to get out, if I can only take the time to sit down and write it. It’s not that I haven’t been writing (although the number of blog posts I wrote decreased significantly this year) but, I was busy living. And I did publish 2 books in 2015, so there’s that!
4. Spend more time in the garden.
Failed in 2015! Re-boot! I love having fresh, organic foods come out of my garden. But to say I don’t have a green thumb is an understatement. However, I do believe that can be overcome with enough time and effort. I want a healthy crop this year – with enough to can so that I can also have some stored away for fall/winter. I hate paying so much for veggies that I could grow if I put the effort into it. And if I can’t grow it myself, I have a goal to buy more of my fruits and veggies from the local farmer’s market.
5. Read more to my kids and play more games with them.
It’s important. I need to spend more time doing this. I’m an avid reader myself, so it would seem natural that I would want to do this a lot. But I don’t. It’s hard to power down my brain and realize all those other things can wait. So, more reading.
6. Read more to myself!
I really do love to get lost in a good book. I try to wind down each day by reading for a little while. Plus, it helps generate ideas for my own books. 🙂
7. Laugh more.
Who doesn’t love a good laugh? I need more of it in my life.
8. Unplug more.
This is tough, but not impossible. Over the last two weeks, I have spent a very minimal amount of time online. It’s been amazing. I feel less stressed, naturally.
9. Meal Plan.
If I’m going to be successful with the clean eating, this is a must.
10. De-Clutter.
30 minutes of focused de-cluttering at least 3 days/week until I don’t need to any more. This is my goal. Simple is better. I have come to this conclusion. Despite some mega efforts in 2015, I still have too. much. STUFF. And it’s driving me crazy. I’m starting to hate it all. So, I’m committing to one room each month.
11. Daily meditation and spiritual development.
I need this. Badly. I need some focused time of quieting my mind and listening.
12. Publish more books.
Well, duh! I’m on my way already, with this book in the works.
13. Continue to make women and girls feel beautiful.
I have fallen in love with Jamberry products, and love the motto of the company – “Be You, Be Beautiful.” I consider a real honor to help women feel good about themselves with beautiful hand and nail care. And I have a goal of making the rank of Team Manager this year. Because, why not? Jamberry has helped me pay for fun stuff, like our trip to France, and lots of other fun activities this year.
14. Make monthly goals.
Not just make monthly goals, but track them and ensure I’m doing what I need to stay on track! Obviously, there are many things that will vary from month to month. The most successful people are the ones that set realistic goals, and write them down. So, I’m going to try to do that.
15. Launch several successful courses.
I’ve been at this self-publishing thing and entrepreneurship for awhile now. Time to try and make some money from my knowledge, right? In related news, if you’re thinking about self-publishing a book, and need some help, please visit my new website Write, Publish, $ell!
16. Visit my best friend Kerry.
Our trip to France this summer was so awesome. I really want to get back again this summer. Visits with the BFF just make life better!
So, there you have it. My goals. Lofty? Maybe.
What about you? Do you make resolutions or goals?
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What a great list and I have chosen one word for 2016 and will be sharing soon on my blog, too now. Happy New Year, Alexa!! 😉
Can’t wait to read it! Happy New Year!