I would love to work with you! If you are in need of a freelance writer and have an opportunity, please contact me at katbiggie1@gmail.com
Additionally, I offer the opportunity for affordable sponsorships on my blog!
Please review the info below and if you have more questions, contact me at katbiggie1@gmail.com
Currently this is my fan base (as of May 21, 2013)
Facebook-513 Fans
Twitter-687 Followers
Google+ – 375 have me in their circles
Page views last month-11,963
This blog is updated at least three – five times a week and promoted through Social Media networks and other online forums.
I currently offer ad space on my blog. There are several options.
See purchase details below.
All ad spaces are placed on the right hand side of my sidebar or contained at the bottom of the post, depending on your selection.
Currently ad billing is processed through Passionfruit. Payment must be received before your button will be displayed on my blog. An advertising month is considered 30 days from date ad is approved by me. Button swaps run for 60 days.
I will approve all buttons before they are featured on my blog. I reserve the right to deny ads that I feel are not appropriate for this blog.
Let’s work together! 🙂