I saw a funny quote the other day. One of my friend’s posted on Facebook, “I’m sorry Nike, today I just can’t do it.” I laughed, I commiserated, and thought, yep, we all have days like that.
I have been thinking a lot about attitude lately. I am guilty of spending a good bit of time on Facebook. As I read through the status’ of friends and family, I’ve noticed that there are a handful of people who are always moaning about their circumstances. I’m not talking about the person who is having a bad day and writes a frustrated post. We all need to vent! I’m not talking about the person who is going through a difficult time who asks for thoughts and prayers. I’m talking about that person who never has anything good to say. Every post is “Woah is me, life sucks, nobody cares…” and so forth.
Do you know anyone like that? Does it drive you crazy? It drives me totally bonkers. I am a nice, compassionate person, but there’s only so many times I can see the same person post over and over and over before I just want to yell “Shut Up! If life is so bad make some CHANGES!” (I have never done that, fyi.) But, I have started removing those people from my life.
Ain’t nobody got time for Negative Nelly. At least, I don’t. Life is too short.
We all know about tough days, tough situations, and obstacles in our lives. While we have little control over the situations around us, we can control our reaction to them. And how we react to those situations will define us.
I have put myself out there as a public mouthpiece for grief and healing. But I hope the message that I am sending is that there is hope and light and healing if you open yourself up to finding it. Everyone who has lost a loved one has suffered tremendous grief, yet what separates people is the way they handle it going forward. I’m not setting a time line for grief here and I never will. Some people take much longer to heal, and there is nothing wrong with that. There are no rules to grieving. The difference is the attitude taken while healing. I miss my daughter every day. It hurts to see twins every day. But what good does it do to wallow in that? What does it do to my other three children if I spend all of my time lost so deeply in my grief for her that I lose my time with them? So I choose to follow the light.
A “Can do” attitude can truly affect what you are able to accomplish in your life and how you bounce back from those bad days. I’ve fallen down so many times, I can’t even count. But I keep getting back up. And I keep moving my life forward. Good grief, I am basically a professional fundraiser and in direct sales. People sometimes run the other direction when they see me coming! I know a bit about frustration and disappointment. I could have thrown in the towel long ago. I’ve had to dig deep and learn to accept rejection, and then keep moving forward to the “yes.”
You know what I’ve found over the years? Positive energy leads to positive results. People like positive people and positive energy. And people who like you are far more willing to help you.
So. Be Positive. Don’t be a Negative Nelly, because most people don’t want to be around that.
Is a bad attitude holding you back?
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Janine Huldie says
August 18, 2015 at 2:48 pmMy mom always told us growing up that we should try to live life seeing the glass half full not empty, so like you I try so hard to be positive for the most part daily. Not always easy, but still I agree that it helps what you can and cannot accomplish if you have a poor attitude versus a good one overall.
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Chris Carter says
August 19, 2015 at 11:18 pmAMEN. I love this Alexa! It is so disheartening to be around people that seem to constantly find all the BAD IN LIFE… It becomes quite toxic, really.
“But I hope the message that I am sending is that there is hope and light and healing if you open yourself up to finding it.” <— THAT is the message you send, my friend. XOXO
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