So you know I’ve been writing some books lately. I told you about the Mother of All Meltdowns last week, shortly before my second book, Sunshine After the Storm: A Survival Guide for the Grieving Mother was published.
I was so thrilled when Crystal asked me to contribute, and I took the opportunity to tell about one of my worst meltdowns as a mother while still finding a way to bring awareness to TTTS.
Help make a dream come true. Well, 30 dreams really.
I’d love to hit the Amazon Best Seller’s List. Here’s how we can make that happen… Download your copy of The Mother of All Meltdowns, the book I co-authored along with twenty-nine fellow bloggers, for just $0.99 – TODAY ONLY.
That’s less than the Starbucks you’re currently sipping, and it would sure make this lady (and 29 other ladies) very happy!
So please, please, please…download today! Here is a little preview from my portion of the book:
I do not deal well with stress. Never have. This is ironic because I am very good at adding stress to my life. When I feel excessively stressed, I begin to feel like a rubber band about to snap at any moment. I feel like my head is doing that thing that evil zombies do on movies where their head shakes back and forth really fast. Not quite spinning all the way around, but just nodding “no” in turbo speed.
I lose my cool.
I snap at people.
I rarely have a full on meltdown because I am too passive aggressive, but I can give you looks that melt steel. And I huff and puff enough to blow your house down.
It is unusual for me to break into a full on, crying, yelling, crazytown fit. However, given the right circumstances, even passive aggressive people can experience a thermal meltdown.
Download the #MOAM #ebook for $0.99 Today!
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Yay and so excited that we are doing this today. Sharing all over, too and just so happy to be a part of this!! 🙂
Janine Huldie recently posted…Pre-School Pickup Is The Best Part of My Day~FTSF #40 & My Favorite Scents~October Daily#18
Me too, me too! It is so much fun, and even more fun that I get to share this experience with some of my best bloggy friends!!
We totally hope you guys get to #1 on the best seller’s list!! You totally deserve it because the book is wonderful!! Go, Mother of All Meltdowns, GO!!! –The Dose Girls
Thank you so much! This has been a fun ride!! Crystal is the best!
Would have loved to get it for 99 cents, but I bought it the day it came out. Either way, still worth the extra dollars.
Laura recently posted…Hey Doc, Can I Borrow The DeLorean?
Well thank you for getting it! 🙂 That always happens to me… I buy something (like say a house) and then the bubble bursts and two months later we could have saved 20 Grand….
WOOHOO!!!!!! Totally missing this big thang… just gonna share every one of my friend’s blogs and get mine out next week!!! GO MOTHER OF MELTDOWNS!!!!!!
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