I started this blog out of an immense grief after losing my daughter Kathryn. At the time, I had no idea how my life, and consequently this blog, would evolve. I could have never imagined at the time how much my life would turn to focus on social good, advocacy, and even activism when necessary.
I have always had a heart of service and a passion for giving back and giving to others, but I feel that in addition to wanting to leave a strong legacy of good in memory of my daughter, it is through this blog, and through the connections I have made since blogging, (Jennifer!) that really have pushed me into a more active role with social good.
There are studies and evidence that prove that doing good for others results in being happier yourself. In an article called Kindness Makes You Happy… and Happiness Makes You Kind, the author sums up two recent studies on kindness.
The results suggest a kind of “positive feedback loop” between kindness and happiness, according to the authors, so that one encourages the other.
I know this is true. I have witnessed it in my own life. I have felt myself change as I’ve tried to do good for others, to give back, to help where it is needed. Sometimes this is financially, sometimes it is a physical act. Sometimes it is as simple as a text message to check in on someone.
I mentioned in my post last week about Random Acts of Kindness that I would be starting a new campaign. It’s called “Do Good, Feel Good.” Inspired by Jennifer at Another Jennifer’s Monthly Giving Pledge, this is also a “pledge” if you will, to do something good for someone else every month, with a goal of once a week.
If you want to participate, please feel free to grab the button code and paste it on your blog. I’d love to hear about what you are doing to make others feel good!
Because I promise you, when you DO good, you FEEL good.
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Alexa, I couldn’t agree more and know whenever I do something good for someone else, I always feel a bit better here on my end, too! 🙂
Janine Huldie recently posted…Moving ~ Fun or Horror Movie Worthy?
Just the fact that you are so encouraging and kind with your words is constantly doing good for others!
Well, you know I’m in Alexa. I’m so glad I had a small part in inspiring this, though I know it’s all you! Giving actually has health benefits to us because it does make us happier. There’s an evolutionary aspect to it as well. Anyway, one of my favorite ways to do good this time of year is to shovel neighbors’ pathways or clear off a snowy car so someone doesn’t have to when they get out of work.
another jennifer recently posted…The Gift of Hope
I kinda hoped you’d be in! 🙂 That is a really kind gesture to shovel someone’s driveway!
p.s. You should totally share this on GOOD.is!
I have never even tried to do that. I’ll look into it. Thanks for the tip!
Love this! I recently posted 5 ways to say “I love you” to yourself, and one was about helping others. I truly believe that doing good leads to feeling good!
Katie @ Pick Any Two recently posted…7 Ways to Stop Emotional Eating
This is a great idea! I always feel better about myself and my life when I do good thing for others. I heard a study recently where just the act of writing a thank you note every day will help your outlook on life. My mom has been going through a hard time recently and I’ve made a point to call her and text her every day. We don’t always talk every day, so I think it’s been helpful for her.
Angela Gilmore recently posted…Blogging Inspiration from Out of Scope
Sheesh, that is really hard to actually do, but I will give it a try. I am terrible about saying thank you. Isn’t that ironic???
LOVE it! I do feel like nothing feels as good as giving back. It truly is the best feeling ever. I so admire you taking your grief and channeling it in this way. You are amazing. :)-Ashley
thedoseofreality recently posted…Would You Rather: Hear All Of Your Best Friend’s Thoughts Or Not Communicate At All?
YOU are amazing! And you do so much for spreading the love too!
I love this! My blog has been about this lately. My life has been about this for four years. For the same reason as you. Not my daughter, but someone who was like a third daughter to me. I have felt like it’s my job to spread some of the love and joy she would be spreading every day.
Count me in!
tammigirl recently posted…Calling All Amazing People!
Oh yay Tammy! Glad to find another social good/kindness blogger! I’ll be checking out your blog!
I love this Alexa… You are such an inspiration!! You are truly the epitome of transforming your pain into purpose!!
Chris Carter recently posted…Devotional Diary: Broken Hearted In Need Of Love
Chris, you are always one to provide words of encouragement and hope. Thank you for being an influential aspect of my journey! 🙂
LOVE this. And I was telling Jennifer that I used to do kind acts to fight anxiety. It really works!
Not that I don’t still do kind acts – I’m just free of a lot of my anxiety. It feels great to do it for whatever the reasons.
Tamara recently posted…One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Des Fish.
It’s true… except when doing acts starts stressing you out cause you’ve taken on too much! I had that happen too. I’ve had to temper my enthusiasm and balance to what will work with the demands of my life! 🙂
Your commitment to others is inspiring. And such a catchy phrase. Today, I don’t feel like being nice. Sad, I know but I am going to make an extra effort because it is worth it. Thank you!
mryjhnsn recently posted…#DisneyinCLE Tickets Up for Grabs! See @DisneyLive! at @TheQArena #sponsored
Thank you and I appreciate your candidness. I don’t always want to be nice either, but I do find that it helps me when I’m grouchy!