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You speak so so eloquently Alexa!!! LOVED listening to you share so much about your blogs and writing and calling in so many places WORTHY of your time and energy!
Chris Carter recently posted…Wonderful Are Your Works! She Is Well Within Her Soul
Chris, that means so much to me! One day, I hope to do more speaking events. When I got to speak as the Ambassador Mom for the March of Dimes, it really made me realize that I LOVE speaking. Which is crazy because I used to be terrified of saying two words in front of a group! Thanks so much for listening!
Seriously, I told you Alexa, you are seriously my hero and God bless you will all you have done so far and taken on. I can’t say this enough and just blessed to know and call you a friend 🙂
Janine Huldie recently posted…MomAssembly To the Rescue
You are the sweetest Janine! Thanks so much for all of your support!
This is wonderful!!! I’ve only listened to the first portion but am bookmarking it to finish later when I have more time. Loved hearing you speak so wonderfully!
Katie @ Pick Any Two recently posted…Blueberry Coconut Baked Oatmeal
Thank you so much. I really appreciate that! I hope that one day I’ll get to do speaking events, so I hope you’re not just being nice! LOL.