October has been so jam packed, I haven’t even had time to blog about it! First and foremost, we have two winners of the newly released book Sunshine After the Storm: A Survival Guide for the Grieving Mother. Congratulations to Michelle N. and Kelly M.
I appreciate everyone who participated in the October 15th linkup for Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day. It is an important day for us to have the opportunity to discuss the topic especially since so many of us have been and will be impacted by the loss of a pregnancy or an infant.
The last month has just been an absolute whirlwind. I went to Washington, DC as an advocate for babies for the March of Dimes and participated in advocacy day on the Hill. So cool. I’ve got a whole post coming on that topic!
We finally buried our sweet Kathryn and had a very lovely burial service for her… again, the topic of a full post.

Kathryn’s Urn – painted by Bug and Bean
We dedicated a bench to sweet Kathryn in Kathryn’s Butterfly Garden at the HMP Memorial Garden.

Kathryn’s Butterfly Garden (before unveiling the bench)
I launched two books!
The Mother of All Meltdowns and Sunshine After the Storm: A Survival Guide for the Grieving Mother. Both books are doing very well and are in the top of the Motherhood Category! (And MOAM is on sale today for 99cents!!!)
And… certainly not least, JD and I celebrated our 10th Anniversary with a trip to the Georgia Wine Country.

At our fourth winery of the day! 🙂
We had a lovely weekend and even got to go to Oktoberfest in Helen, GA. It was very lively!
So now I have a ton of catching up to do after such a crazy hectic month! A good month. Full of ups and downs, family in town, love, friendship and fellowship.
I feel quite hungover from all of the activity… and a bit overwhelmed with all that has to be done to catch up now!
Don’t forget to check out (you can literally lend the ebook and Amazon has a free Kindle reader app!) Sunshine After the Storm.
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So much indeed going on and seriously so glad you got away for your anniversary. Looks like you both had a great time and so well deserved, Alexa. And congrats on both books and so happy we are contributors on the Meltdowns Book together, too!! 🙂
Janine Huldie recently posted…PicMonkey Boo Halloween Photo Contest~Win A Year’s Subscription Free
Thanks Janine! We had a really fun weekend! I am glad we are both contributors to MOAM too!
Sending you virtual hugs for your sweet Kathryn. And so proud of you for advocating in Washington. You are truly making a difference in the world.-Ashley
thedoseofreality recently posted…Your Parents Dressed You Up For Halloween As A WHAT?!
Thank you so much Ashley! Your support has been amazing!
I’m buying your book in print today. I know it will be a heavy read but so many great writers in there. I’ll be mentally hugging you all. I heard recently that October is the busiest month of the year. I’ve been feeling that way too.
Tamara recently posted…And At The End Of The Day..
Seriously, I have a hangover just thinking about your month! I can imagine there were some tough moments such as the ceremony on 9/28, but I can’t wait to catch up and raise a glass to you for all of the good that happened as well.
Ilene recently posted…A Difficult Conversation
So much in so little time. Lots of emotion too, I’m sure. I can’t wait to hear more about your advocacy trip and everything else. You’re amazing, Alexa!
another jennifer recently posted…Philanthropy Friday: Simple Giving Lab
That is high intensity living! I hope you get a few moments to settle and have a few moments to yourself. Congrats on your anniversary. 🙂
Pary Moppins recently posted…Madly in Love
Wowza. What a crazy month for you, full of big life event things. I can’t wait to read more about some of your October adventures!
NJ @ A Cookie Before Dinner recently posted…The Mother Of All Meltdowns Review, Blog Tour Stop, & Giveaway