Two months ago I was invited to a LegoDuplo House Party by one of the mom’s in my moms club. I had never heard of House Party before, but I thought, “that sounds fun!”
Tiny and I attended the party. I learned all about House Party and was amazed. You register for free, answer some surveys, fiill out personal information, and you can apply to host parties. For Free. If selected, they send you a party pack with EVERYTHING you need to host (down to the paper plates and decorations) and plenty of free product to share with your friends.
What does this have to do with JollyVoxBox2013?
It’s all about the power of “Word of Mouth” marketing. I’ve written about it before when I’ve done sponsored posts. Brands know that moms trust other moms when it comes to good products. The idea that I can get a variety of free products in exchange for my opinion and me sharing it with my friends just rocks.
I was so excited about House Party, I went home and immediately signed up.
Then my brain started ticking.Β There must be more sites like this. I wanted all parents to know about these businesses. Because (especially on a single income budget) free is FUN and more importantly, free is GOOD.
The freelance writer in me set to work. I began to research, ask around, and put together information for all parents. I wrote an articleΒ Six Ways to Earn Free Goods, Prizes, and Cash, which is being published this month in Space City Parent magazine.
But I digress.
As I was doing the research, I came across Influenster. It is a word of mouth company, and you can qualify for the “Vox Boxx”
This is a box with samples of new products that they want us to spread the word about, without having to host a party at your house. I’m not an affiliate, I don’t get any money if you go sign up for Influenster, I just get free stuff for testing it and telling you about it!
I got my box and was thrilled to see a full size box of Skinny Cow Candy – my favorite kind. Chocolate filled with peanut butter creme. They have been a HUGE hit in our house! And since I know the Dose Girls are watching their Weight Watchers points, I knew they would be interested in checking out this line of candies! π
The rest of the box did NOT disappoint either! It included:
- Skinny Cow(R) Candy – DELISH!
- Puffs (R)Ultra Soft & Strong To go Tissue Pack (much appreciated in the cold weather!)
- NYC New York Color HD Color Trio Eye Shadow – and crazily enough, they are in MY COLORS.
- Rimmel London NEW Show Off Lip Lacquer – what woman can’t use more lipstick? Plus it smells nice, is smooth, and when Bean saw me she said “Mommy, you look beautiful!”
- Ducklings Mini Rolls – very cute mini roll of “Duck Tape” for repairs, crafting, and projects
Since I signed up for Influenster, I have seen other bloggers, such as Janine from Confessions of a Mommyholic and I know she was as thrilled as I was with her JollyVoxBox2013.
So don’t waste time. Get out there and check out to see what YOU can try for free!
If you have tips on other Word Of Mouth companies that you want to share, please leave a comment!
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I love the VoxBox’s from Influenster and the last one I got was back in November with the Rose VoxBox, which I am still using the Vitabath hand lotion daily from and even just got with a special Exzema soap for participating in all the box and surveys. Seriously, couldn’t agree more with how much fun these boxes are and loved getting to see what you got here, too π
Janine Huldie recently posted…The PINcentive Blog Hop: Week 17
Ooh I could use some eczema cream! gonna try to get that if it’s still available!
I’ve heard of Influenster, but I’ve never used it. I might have to check it out. Free is definitely fun!
another jennifer recently posted…Ending an Amazing 2013 on Memory Lane in Syracuse
Yes, you’d like it! Lots of cool stuff to try. Things I probably would not have considered purchasing, but now that I’ve tried, I am strongly considering!
Going to look into it for sure! Thanks for sharing this tip. π
Kerry recently posted…The Promise of βNewβ
Of course! It can be a time suck though, if you start answering a bunch of surveys, etc. but it’s also neat.
OMG…OMG…OMG….you will NOT BELIEVE THIS (or maybe you will) I EAT A PACKET OF THOSE EXACT CANDIES ALMOST EVERY SINGLE NIGHT!! (4 points). No lie!! They are SO good. I cannot do without my chocolate. The end. These Skinny Cows are delicious and the caramel gives them the perfect amount of richness. They totally fill my chocolate need perfectly. As of yesterday I’ve lost 38.4 pounds so you *can* work a delicious candy into your life and still do well!! SQUEE!!
The other items are cool too!! –Lisa
The Dose of Reality recently posted…Top 10 Ways You Know You Are Definitely In New York City!
38.4 lbs!!!!!! Wow! You go girl! I am so stoked for you! Yes, you can have yummy candy and still lose weight. That is so funny that these are the exact kind that you love. They ARE good. YUM. YUM. Yum. I’m off to finish the box! π
This was my first voxbox too! I loved the chocolates – I’m surprised to say I still have most of them. The tissues are in my purse! The lip gloss was BRIGHT. I wish I had had it for my Snow White Halloween costume! It would have been perfect. It’s nice for a night out, though.
Yes, it is bright! Probably why my daughter liked it so much! But every once in awhile, it’s nice to have bright lips! π
I got this box too, although it’s probably my last one because I’ve sucked at promoting it. I ate all the chocolates withing 48 hours, and I love the eyeshadow. Your lip gloss is a much better color than mine, which is a ghostly beige-ish.
I wanted to do more with promoting, but so much involved Instagram and posting videos, and that’s not my thing. Oh well. Fun to see your post, though!
Dana recently posted…Oh, what a year
I’m not really into the videos either. I’m hoping that via facebook and instagram and twitter, I’ll still be able to be selected for future boxes. But it is time consuming, and time is not something I have a lot of these days!!!