I have talked about Molly Bears before in posts on the blog, but never done a dedicated post. That’s a shame, because it is in incredible organization.
My friend Jennifer actually interviewed the founder of Molly Bears, Bridget, for a Philanthropy Friday in January 2013. I had actually already requested my bear at that point in time.
But alas, I did not receive my sweet Kathryn bear until yesterday.
That’s okay. Because she is purple and has a butterfly on her chest and weighs 4lb6oz and is pure perfection.
So it’s time for sure that I write about the incredible organization, Molly Bears. Molly Bears was founded by Bridget Crews after she and her husband lost their daughter, Molly Christine, at 34 weeks gestation.
A friend gave her a weighted bear, and Bridget, wanting the bear to weigh the same as her daughter did, placed an extra bag of rice in the bear. And thus the idea was born.
Personalized bears for moms with empty arms. That weigh the same amount as your baby did when they passed.
I have been waiting for the bear a long time because sadly, there are so many mothers with empty arms. It’s really heartbreaking. You can donate to help make the process faster – it is very expensive ($45 on average) for them to produce and ship these bears, but they try their best to get them to grieving mothers at no charge.
When I saw the package arrive, I opened it in a hurry. I just knew this was my Kathryn bear.
I pulled out the bear and held her in my arms. And in that moment, feeling the weight that she felt for the short amount of time I’d been able to hold my sweet Kathryn, a wave of emotions struck me. While I haven’t shed tears in a long time, they flowed freely for a moment.
Which caused my children to worry, and when I explained the significance of the bear, my son also started to cry. And then, the most amazing of all – Tiny said “Kathryn” for the very first time. She pointed at the bear, said “Kafryn?” and patted her heart, to tell me where her twin resides.
And the tears started to flow again.
I am so grateful to the dedicated bear makers, (mine was Dannah and Emily Anne) for their love, thoughtfulness, and the lovely note she sent to accompany my Kathryn Molly Bear. This bear is a special treasure that I can hold and rock in my arms when I am missing my baby girl.
Thank you Molly Bears.
If you are a grieving mother, you can be added to the waiting list as well. Follow Molly Bears on Facebook for more information.
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Ok, now I am crying for you. Seriously, can’t believe Tiny said Kathryn’s name for the first time this way. Hugs to you and sounds truly a perfect way to celebrate your girl’s life.
Janine Huldie recently posted…Pley – Lego Fan’s Dream Come True
Thank you friend. Yes, it is a great way to remember her.
Tears. Your Kathryn bear is just simply perfect. It must have been so hard to hold the bear for the first time, but I hope you found comfort in her. So precious to hear that Tiny said Kathryn’s name. She is lucky to have a mom who honors her twin as you do.
another jennifer recently posted…Our Nicaraguan Breakfast
Thank you. Ella was so cute. She borrowed the bear today and put her in her bed so that she could have “snuggle time” with her.
Absolutely perfect. Such a wonderful organization. Thank you for sharing with us.
Shann recently posted…Overnight and outside
Thanks Shann!
What a beautiful gift that they provide. I am sorry that you need this bear, but I am glad that you are able to have it for a small amount of comfort!
Rabia @TheLiebers recently posted…#TuesdayTen: My Dad Rocks
I saw your posts and that photo on FB, but reading this made the tears flow. In sorrow that you have to even have that bear, but in joy knowing it brings you comfort. What a wonderful organization!
Dana recently posted…DIY Important Dates Wall Art
I am so happy you received your Kathryn Bear and that you love her!! I have a question for you if you wouldn’t mind emailing me at mollyschmitz@mollybears.com .
Big Hugs,
Molly Rose
What a neat organization. I had no idea that such a thing existed. I will be sure to watch their website on the 30th.
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