In just a few short days it will be six months since my identical twin daughters were born, followed two days after by the death of one of my girls. I have been considering beginning a blog since I was pregnant and first received the news about the syndrome my babies suffered from, as well as motherhood in general, handling grief, the loss of a baby, finding happiness, and moving on… but I just could not do it. I have always wanted to be a writer, yet I’ve been scared to begin the journey. Now I feel I have a story worth sharing, a topic worthy of deeper investigation, and the motivation to preserve every memory of my precious daughter Kathryn. Why start tonight? I happened to be on Facebook at just the right time when someone posted a link to a blog that I decided to look at. Within her blog, I found this quote:
“If you wait for skill before you dare anything, you will only wait and ache. Yet proceed with simplicity and you will inch, then launch, toward proficiency. Don’t ache to be great. Don’t desire and wait. Care enough about your gifts to get there.” – Tama J. Kieves
This inspired me to get moving on the things I have been pushing aside. I hope that I can stay dedicated now that I’ve taken the leap to begin!
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