You may have noticed (a month ago!!!) some “old school blogging” happening around the blogosphere lately. It’s where bloggers are “tagged” and then answer questions about themselves. The questions are in an A – Z theme (see below). So it looks like I have been TAGGED in this fun blogging game I believe started with Elaine over at Miss Elaineous Life and Jennifer over at Jennifer P Williams. I am SO excited to play!!
Well, I was tagged by Chris over at TheMomCafe. Then I got even more inspired when I saw Jennifer’s post.
A. Attached or Single? Married for almost ten years
B. Best Friend? Kerry
C. Cake or Pie? Pie with ice cream
D. Day of Choice? Friday. Definitely Friday.
E. Essential item? My dustbuster. I must use that thing 50 times a day!
F. Favorite Color? Purple
G. Gummy Bears or Worms? Not really a fan of either because they make my jaws hurt. But worms are probably my fave of the two.
H. Hometown? Columbia, SC
I. Favorite Indulgence? Good wine, good cocktails
J. January or July? July! I really don’t like cold weather.
K. Kids: Bug (6), Bean (3), and Tiny (1) and my angel Kathryn, Tiny’s twin
L. Life isn’t complete without: laughter and good friends
M. Marriage Date: October 18th
N. Number of brothers or sisters: 3 sisters and a half sister
O. Oranges or Apples? Usually apples.
P. Phobias: untimely, gruesome death. Strange diseases. Spiders. Snakes. Bugs.
Q. Quotes: “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” ~Mahatma Gandhi or “Hakuna Matata” – No Worries.
R. Reasons to smile? My kids, my friends, my Tiny dancing!
S. Season of choice? Spring. Maybe Fall.
T. Tag! No way! I’m so late on this one, I’m not going to tag anyone cause it’s almost time for the next theme!
U. Unknown fact about me? Oh sheesh. I feel so boring these days. OK, I almost got arrested in Paris on New Year’s Eve 1999.

Lisa and me, Paris, New Year’s Eve 1999
V. Vegetable? Green beans and asparagus.
W. Worst Habit? Swearing and drinking too much.
X. X-ray or Ultra Sound? No thanks. Not sure I even understand this one. Would I rather have something broken or be pregnant? Neither.
Y. Your favorite foods? Food. Appetizers, desserts, main meals. Meats, veggies, good stuff, bad stuff.
Z. Zodiac Sign? Sagittarius.
Have you written an Old School Blogging post? Leave a link in the comments so I can read it!
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Ok, I thought mine this months was long overdue and posting it tomorrow. So go figure, but at least I know I am not the only one slacking and so not alone in this!!
Janine Huldie recently posted…Carol’s Astrology–The Astrological Stars Know All
This was the one I missed, but I loved reading everyone’s and I loved yours!
Tamara recently posted…How To Photograph Children And Moose, But Not Together!
YAY!!!! It’s so SO GOOD to see you again my sweet friend!!! I have MISSED YOU SO MUCH!!!!! I love that you drink and swear too much… LOL We would be such a PAIR!!! I love learning a bit more about you through this fun shindig! One of these days we can drink and swear together!!! XOXOXO…
Now… HOW did you get arrested? Almost? I have GOT to know! 😉
Chris Carter recently posted…My Blogging Break Failed
It was fun reading everyone’s posts! Better late than never!! I love that quote too by the way!
Michelle recently posted…Bookboard: A Digital Library of Children’s E-Books Right at Your Fingertips!
Wine, yes wine! I loved drinking wine with you and taking photos of the carpeting in Charlotte! And I loved watching Tiny dance as well. xo
Ilene recently posted…I Heart Robert
I’m so glad to see this…mine is way overdue, too. Now I know I can still post it (since it’s written, I just needed pictures!) and not be lame. Would love to hear that Paris story – maybe that’s a blog post!
Stephanie recently posted…Three Simple Steps for Better Pictures at the Beach
Totally not lame to post it now! I think it will get more attention since every blogger in the world isn’t currently posting her version! 🙂 And I’m thinking I must write the Paris story!
I still haven’t written my other Old School Blogging post, so don’t feel bad! We should totally get together and swear some time. 🙂 You can tell me the almost getting arrested in Paris story!
another jennifer recently posted…Wordless Wednesday: Pemaquid Lighthouse, Bristol, Maine
Totally counting on a good weekend of drinking and swearing with you Ilene!!
Fridays are definitely my favorite too. I love learning more about you!
Nellie @ Brooklyn Active Mama recently posted…Weekly Wednesday Workout: Dumbbell Jack Knife