My husband says I can’t really call a dish with no pasta “lasagna” since it’s named after the actual noodle “lasagna.” However, I disagree. Since in this case I’m substituting zucchini strips for the lasagna noodle, I’m still calling it that. If I said “vegetarian lasagna” one might just think I was making regular lasagna, with pasta, but no meat, right? So, we’ve got pasta free lasagna!
On to the recipe!

Pasta-free lasagna
Can you say YUM???
So before I get to the recipe, I’d like to explain how this came about. I had 3 zucchini sitting in the fridge. I have been following the Take Shape for Life (Medifast) diet and wanted to know what I could make with zucchini for my “lean and green” meal that would still seem naughty. Also, due to my auto immune diseases, I am also experimenting with less gluten.
So I went to my trusty pal Google, and I found a recipe that I modified to my own liking. Here is where I found the original zucchini lasagna recipe.
Pasta Free Lasagna
Ingredient list:
3-4 fresh zucchini
1lb + ground turkey (I used 1.3lb)
2 garlic cloves, minced
1tbsp oregeno
1 tsp salt
1tbsp dried parsley flakes
1 can diced tomatoes (I prefer the oregano and basil seasoned)
1 cup cottage cheese (1%)
3 tbsp Egg Beaters
1 -2 cups mozzarella cheese
1/4 c Parmesan cheese
1. Brown your turkey meat with the two minced garlic cloves, the oregano, and your salt. (Truth be told, I never measure, I just dump what looks right. I happen to really like oregano!) Drain the excess fat/juice. Add the can of tomatoes.
2. While the meat is browning, slice your zucchini into thin slices. I just sliced around the edges. Some slices were thicker than others. Do NOT use the core.
3. Boil the zucchini slices for about 4 minutes until they are soft, but not soggy. Drain and lay them on paper towels.

Steps 1-3
4. Combine your cottage cheese, egg beaters, and parsley flakes.
5. Spray two bread pans with cooking spray. Begin to assemble like you would a lasagna. Start with a little meat sauce, followed by a layer of zucchini strips, cottage cheese, mozzarella, meat sauce, and another layer of mozzarella cheese if you like. (I do!) If you have enough ingredients, repeat layers.
6. Sprinkle with Parmesan cheese.
7. Bake at 350 for about 20 minutes. Enjoy!
Makes two bread pans, single layer – 4 to 5 servings
I was really, really surprised at how good it is! I like it heavy on the seasonings, so if you do as well, be liberal with them. Also, I used plenty of cheese. It is certainly not low fat, but it is low carb gluten free! 🙂
I hope you like it as much as I did. FYI though, the kids were not impressed!

Pasta-free lasagna
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This looks fab! Pinning it!
Pary Moppins recently posted…Menu Plan Week 27
That looks great, Kat! Pasta-free works. 🙂
Crystal recently posted…Happy Blogiversary! It’s Been a Year!
I don’t know. I’m Italian, and I could live on pasta alone. This looks good, but I’m not sure about calling it lasagna. I’d totally try it though. 🙂
another jennifer recently posted…Philanthropy Friday: Harnessing the Power of Social Good Moms
OK, so you’re on Team Jeff, huh?? Just kidding. I don’t necessarily disagree with either of you, but… I’m all about trying to trick myself that I don’t MISS pasta!! (I so miss pasta!!!)
Hmmm…I feel like my hubby and younger daughter would love this…I want to say I would be open-minded and try it…but well, that would be a lie! I wish I was a better eater! ;)-Ashley
The Dose of Reality recently posted…I Just Have To Remember That It Is Not Really Real
I love lasagna and this sounds too good to be true, because I also love zucchini, so you are truly speaking my language. Have pinned to try and thank you!! 🙂
Janine Huldie recently posted…Vonage Mobile App Review & iTunes/Google Play Gift Card giveaway
ummmmm…. STOP It!!! This is making my lunch here at work look a little less appeitzing! ha… I love zucchini and never thought to put it in lasagna! Thanks for sharing the recipe kat I will have to try this out over the weekend and let you know how it goes kat~
Leah Elizabeth Locklear recently posted…Parenting A Strong-Willed Child
I looks so yummy. I would totally eat it. But my hubby is vegatarian, the kinds won’t eat ground meat and I’d be stuck eating the whole thing by myself. That could get pretty I’m pinning the recipe for when guests come over
Hope recently posted…Running in the wrong shoes…
I love the idea of using zucchini, especially since I have 2 plants in my garden!
Carolyn Y recently posted…Teaching Patience over Sharing
YUM!!! Pinned! I’ll be doing this in the near future! I absolutely love zucchini and am always looking for zucchini recipes! Can’t wait to make this one!
I love recipes that use zucchini as noodles. They work and taste so good! Perfect timing with my soon to be bumper crop coming out of my garden.
Angela @ Happy Fit Mama recently posted…Confession
OHMYGOSH that looks AMAZING Alexa! seriously- gonna try it! YUM! The pictures help me so much- so glad you took the time to add them!
Chris Carter recently posted…True Joy…
This looks soooo good! However, my husband is not a fan of cottage cheese. Do you think it would be okay without it? Or is there a good substitute
Victoria from the Busy House Big Heart recently posted…Time for Solid Food!
You could use Ricotta or maybe even something like laughing cow…
This looks delicious! I have been meaning to try the squash spaghettis but this might have to try this instead.
Thank you Suree!