And a belated Happy Halloween to YOU!

Yep. This.
I miss just being able to sit down and pour my heart out. I’m not complaining about life, because right now my cup is overflowing, and that’s a good thing (mostly.)
But I do miss visiting my blogging friends regularly! And I am grateful that you still keep coming to check in on me even though I have not returned the favor lately!
I keep thinking that life is going to slow down a bit… but it doesn’t! And that is exciting but tiring. This week was so full of joy and troubles, as life often is.
I’d like to just give a quick recap.
Monday: We met with our Early Interventionist, Kellye, who did Tiny’s FINAL evaluation.
Tuesday: We had Speech Therapy, followed by our FINAL review with EI. Yes, after almost two years, Tiny is being released from early intervention, with the exception of speech therapy. Kellye has been an important part of our life since Tiny was four months old, and we will miss her!

We will miss you Kellye!
But Tuesday didn’t stop there. Bug had swim team practice, and I had a five mile run in the evening. (I actually only ran four because it got really dark and I wasn’t having that. But, I could have run the final mile.)
Wednesday: I cleaned all day long. Literally. All. Day. Long
Thursday: Happy Halloween! One of the best parts about being a SAHM is the opportunity to volunteer in my children’s classrooms. Thursday I had the pleasure of being a party mom. We had so much fun watching the little ones trick or treat around the preschool and enjoy snacks and Halloween crafts. And then of course, trick or treating around the neighborhood that night. I could not believe how into it Tiny got. She was all about carrying her own little bucket, climbing the stairs, and reaching on in to grab a fistful of candy!
Friday: Whew! Well, this is really not a joke when I say it, but I submitted to my FOURTH book. LOL. Yes, I’m going to be in another anthology. This one is the HerStories project and is all about stories of friendship amongst women. I wrote about my forever friends. It should be out in December I believe. Also, Tiny and I were on the news again! The Prematurity Report Cards were released by the March of Dimes on November 1st (November is Prematurity Awareness Month) and we had a chance to talk about that AND the Signature Chef’s Auction/Fancy Shmancy dinner that is tomorrow night. I’m the guest speaker! Woot. Bought some new heals on Friday too! 🙂 You can see my active little Monkey on WLTX’s Friends at Five news clip.
So that brings us to today. I was SUPPOSED to be participating in the Tough Mudder in Charlotte today. Well, my body decided I am not tough enough. My auto immune diseases have been kicking in full force lately, and swollen joints and pain + a 12 mile obstacle course with ice filled pools did not seem like a good mix. Especially since I’m speaking tomorrow night at the Chef’s event. So, as I type, Jeff and friends are probably about halfway through their icy cold adventure. I am drinking a warm cup of coffee and not regretting my decision in the slightest!
One other exciting tidbit. One of my contributing authors to Sunshine After the Storm: A Survival Guide for the Grieving Mother, Jennie Goutet, also known as A Lady In France, wrote a beautiful write up on the book on none other than Queen Latifah’s website! WHAT?
And, Vivien from Vivien Interrupted wrote a lovely and comprehensive review of the book on her website. Vivien has never lost a child, and she is also pregnant with her third, so it was difficult for her to read the book, but she explains why this book is so important for all mothers to read, as well as anyone who works with bereavement groups. Thanks Vivien!
I wish you a day of love and peace.
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First off, sounded like a productive and wonderful week for the most part. So happy to hear about Tiny. Also congrats on another addition to what sounds like another fabulous book. Thinking about you today and just hope you are feeling a bit better though soon. Here is to another great week shortly upon us, too! 🙂
Janine Huldie recently posted…Another Halloween Bites the Dust Wrap-Up &Thankful Things
I just bought your book today. I know it will be a tough read, but too many of my favorites are in it to resist.
And of course everyone keeps coming back!! We all know you’re busy as anything, and it’s nice to see this post and hear some updates.
Tamara recently posted…Ask Me Away!
Fourth book? Amazing. And it’s a good thing you listened to your body about tough mudder – even though that can sometimes be a tough thing to do. And yay for Tiny! Great week!
Ilene recently posted…Out of Order
So much going on! I can’t believe you’ll have 4 books coming out. Good call on the tough mudder. Can’t wait to hear about the chef’s event! Have a great week, Alexa.
Oh and Tiny is just too cute for words with her Halloween bucket.
another jennifer recently posted…My Halloween Mistake (or Million Dollar Idea?)
You have been BUSY my friend! WOW! I hope you are feeling better…that is such a bummer that you could not do the Mudder run. :(-Ashley
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