Today I am super stoked to be guest blogging over at Julie DeNeen’s website Fabulous Blogging where I am telling the world all about the things I have learned in my first year of blogging! Please go read that post here.
Julie is an amazing source of technical information for bloggers, and she has helped me, and will hopefully be helping me a lot more, as I tweak and improve my blog.
But before you go, I want to let you know that I’ve decided to participate in the Org Junkie’s 31 Day Organization Challenge. Yes, my loyal, long time readers have seen me give a go at Organization before, and it’s always short lived.
But this time is going to be different! I swear!
Mostly because I’m not only driving my husband insane, but I’m driving MYSELF insane, and I’m seeing the little monsters begin to follow in my chaotic footsteps. I must nip that in the bud! You are only allowed to continue beyond this point if you pinky swear to stay in the NO JUDGEMENT ZONE!
This challenge is just for me and those like me. In her own words: “Select one room in need of some clutter control and chaos taming this month. Remember this isn’t a challenge for those that just need to do a little tidying here or there or that simply want to make an already cute room even cuter. Nope this challenge is for those that I’m most passionate about helping, those of you drowning in clutter and that are overwhelmed with the chaos of your space.”
I knew exactly which room to choose.
No, not the crazy spare bedroom/FROG/office/playroom. I’m not sure I can get that done in a month… goodness knows I’ve been trying.
It’s the GIRLS’ bedroom.
I am terrified to even post the pictures. But this is what the room looks like more often than not lately, because I have just gotten so fed up with picking it up, over and over and over again.
The girls’ bedroom makes me want to cry every day. Largely because Jelly Bean (my 3 year old daughter) can do this in about 3 minutes:
It doesn’t matter how often I clean and put away, organize, and strive to have a nice looking bedroom for the girls, it always returns to this state. She likes to pull everything out of her drawers, off of her shelves, and what is it with leaving the drawers open all the time???
Today was especially momentous, as she removed every single article of clothing she has on hangers from her closet. Not that her closet looked great before. This picture was taken about an hour before I discovered her project “drive mommy crazy.”
I got CRABBY. Beyond crabby. I was irate.
But it’s not fair to get mad at her. It’s my fault. You may notice that the closet is really poorly organized to begin with. She didn’t pile all of that junk in there.
Jelly Bean didn’t bring a bunch of bins in and dump them, with the intent of cleaning out clothes that are out of season or not the right size, and then leave them for a week.
She is, however, responsible for this: (which is picked up compared to the way it looked an hour later with all of her clothes on the floor!)
And most of this: (although I will take full responsibility for the out of control baby changing station and the pile of diapers!)
The two girls, ages 3 and 1, share a small room with a small closet and they have too much stuff! That is not their fault. It’s my fault for not getting it better organized in the first place. I need to provide easier clean up solutions, sort out the clothes, shoes, and toys they are not currently using, and make a better space that they can actually help tidy each day.
I don’t have the organization gene. Not one bit. So, this challenge is going to hopefully help me.
And the incentive… beyond having a nicer home environment, less daily stress, less yelling, and a child who will actually be able to tidy up… there are great prizes! Woohoo!
Come check it out at Org Junkie! But not until after you’ve gone by Fabulous Blogging and read my post there!!

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[…] you’d like to catch up, the first two posts on this challenge can be found here and […]