It’s hard to believe, because now I’m so BORING (thanks kids!) but back in my 20s, this girl knew how to party! As I’ve been rereading my journals for information for my book The Boys I Left in Paris, I have been reminded of all the nights we danced until 4:30am. (I was much skinnier then too!)
A few things you would probably never guess about me:
1. I once lived in a house outside of Paris with 6 guys. Yep, me and 6 guys.
2. I had my belly button pierced. Had to get rid of it when I went in the Air Force.
3. No tattoos, but I have always wanted a black butterfly across the small of my back. Probably ain’t gonna happen now.
4. One time, after several drinks, I got on a stage and Karaoked to “I’m a Barbie Girl” – with most of the Clemson University (male) Soccer Team. I was Barbie in case you wondered.
5. I actually had a pair of black leather pants that I would wear clubbing. Sure did.
6. I inadvertently mooned a State Trooper once… not so proud of that one, but it’s a funny story!
Times sure have a changed!
Now it’s a big night if I’m up til 11pm!
But when my kids are grown, who knows???
Come join us for Finish the Sentence Friday and tell us about when you were younger!

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