I’ve got a lot of sentiments and emotions about this. I’m feeling guilty that I haven’t been advocating as hard or frequently lately for TTTS awareness. It is the primary reason, after all, that I started this blog. That, and to survive the grief of losing one of our daughters because of Twin to Twin TRansfusion Syndrome.
In a nutshell, if you know someone pregnant with identical twins, please make sure they head over to the TTTS Foundation website and get the questions (and explanations of the questions) they should be asking their doctor. The sooner they are able to become educated and advocate for themselves and their babies, the better. And if nothing comes of it, that’s freaking fantastic! But I would much rather be scared and aware, educated and proactive, then suffer through a loss that potentially could have been prevented. (Potentially. There are never guarantees.)
Here’s a little video I did on Facebook today. I’m also asking for donations so we can continue sending care packages at no charge to grieving parents through Sunshine After the Storm, my 501(c)3 nonprofit.
And finally, the ebook version of Never the Same: Families forever Changed by Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome is available for 0.99 today and free for the next five days. Please go download it. Spread awareness.
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