You CAN help in so many ways!
1. Spread awareness about this disease and even help save babies! Share my blog, follow my blog! Also, direct people to the TTTS Foundation where you can find information for the pregnant mother, help after loss, make a donation or start a fundraising effort for the annual walk.
2. Support the March of Dimes! TTTS is a major cause of premature births and birth defects. The March of Dimes is the leading organization researching and developing cures for babies born too early. Consider supporting Team Charis and Kat as we raise money each year in the hopes that one day there will be a cure for TTTS and hydrops fetalis! (I’ll be sure to let you know when the donation period opens up!
You can also donate to support families in the NICU, you can join the Advocacy effort, and more. Currently there are some key efforts under way including:
Take Action to Paint the White House Purple in honor of the 75th Anniversary of the March of Dimes! (Click on Take Action to participate!)
Help Reduce Premature Birth
Urge Congress to Support the PREEMIE Reauthorization Act (S. 1440/ H.R. 2679) |
Help Reduce Premature Birth — Click on the “Take Action” link and tell Congress that you support the PREEMIE Reauthorization Act (S. 1440/ H.R. 2679).
With more than half a million babies born prematurely in the United States each year it is vital that Congress supports federal efforts to reduce preterm birth. The PREEMIE Reauthorization Act (S. 1440/ H.R. 2679) reauthorizes and expands upon the 2006 PREEMIE Act (P.L. 109-450), to enhance research into the causes and prevention of prematurity.
In 2006, the March of Dimes volunteers and staff came together and secured passage of the original PREEMIE Act — it is time to do it again. Make your voice heard on behalf of women and children. Visit the March of Dimes Action Center!
3. Support a family who has lost a baby. Volunteers with the Teeny Tears Organization make teeny diapers for super preemies born asleep or pass shortly after birth who are too small for even the teeniest diapers. Each family receives one to clothe their baby and one for their memory box.
4. Take Action! Write your legislators! Early and frequent ultrasounds save lives!