I have made a valiant effort the last three years to try to bring awareness to Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome (TTTS) through a weekly series – TTTS Tuesday. In these, I shared stories about TTTS journeys. The many very different journeys.
I’ve run out of new stories!
If you have lived through TTTS, I would like you to encourage to submit your story to share your journey for other parents who may be going through this and to continue to bring awareness to this terrible disease.
Also, I’m putting together a book – to raise funds for some worthy organizations who do so much for the TTTS community (see more at the bottom).
The book is going to be a collection of TTTS experiences as told by the parents. The good, the bad, the happy, the sad. I’d like to start by using all of the stories that have been submitted for TTTS Tuesday.
But I don’t want to limit it there. If you haven’t contributed a story and want to share, I’d love to include your story as well.
I am looking for stories about your diagnosis and pregnancies, outcomes, NICU life, PTSD, grief and recovery, philanthropic endeavors to raise money for the Foundation or other research groups, and any long term issues that TTTS has caused for you. Any and or all of that! I’ll also take poetry and artwork if we can make the artwork work. Everyone will receive full credit for their work.
I want the book to be something that a family diagnosed with TTTS can read to learn about the many facets of TTTS, but also comfort anyone that has survived it, educate family members of those with someone going through TTTS, provide encouragement, and provide ideas for ways to give back.
I would love as many people to contribute as they want! You can pick any of those topics or even something else that I may have missed but is on your heart to write about.
Submissions should be no less than 350 words (unless it’s poetry) and no more than 1000. If you’re having a hard time condensing, you might want to consider breaking it into multiple submissions based on different topics.
Pictures are encouraged, but you must send high res jpegs to me or I won’t be able to use them in the book.
Please email your submission by No LATER than Feb. 13th (my girls’ original due date) to katbiggie1@gmail.com
Once the associated costs are recouped, the proceeds from sales of this book will go to the Fetal Hope, Sunshine After the Storm, and the TTTS Support Team, Teeny Tears, and the TTTS Foundation. If there are other groups that support the TTTS community that you think I should include, please let me know.
I’m also interested in beta readers to help proofread and critique the book before it goes to print.
Email me at katbiggie1@gmail.com with submissions/questions/etc
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