Did you ever wonder why it’s called Mardi Gras? Mardi Gras is French for “Fat Tuesday.” So what does that mean??
Mardi Gras Day, New Orleans: Krewe of Kosmic Debris revelers on Frenchmen Street (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Fat Tuesday is the last day before Lent begins.
Mardi Gras is French for Fat Tuesday, referring to the practice of the last night of eating richer, fatty foods before the ritual fasting of the Lenten season, which begins on Ash Wednesday. ~ Wikipedia
It’s also called “Shrove Tuesday.” Shrove is derived from the word “shrive” which means to confess. I actually did not realize that before I looked it up for this post. I’d heard it referred to as Shrove Tuesday, but like many things, I had no idea of the true meaning behind it!
The Lenten Season is the forty days before Easter – when Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The last day to take in whatever you’d like before the season of fasting and reflection.
It’s a bit ironic that Mardi Gras has evolved into pure debauchery, but, I guess we get out all our evils so that we can spend forty days in atonement, right? Right after you’ve collected as many beads as you can? 😉 I’ve never been to New Orleans, but it’s on my bucket list. But I did have a really, really tremendous experience at a Carnival in Basel, Switzerland when I was an exchange student in France!
Those were the days. We had such a good time. I was not thinking about what to give up for Lent that year!
I was raised in the Methodist church, by a mother who grew up Catholic. So although Methodists don’t always practice the concept of giving something up for Lent, Catholics do. So we did as my mother had done all of her life. I have given up caffeine, chocolate, sweets, junk food… and although you are allowed to cheat on Sundays, I usually try to make it all the way to Easter. It’s a small sacrifice to remember the larger sacrifice that was made on our behalf.
I have been contemplating what to give up this year…
Since I’ve been on my quest to improve my health, I have already given up sugar, dairy, gluten, processed foods… so I’m not thinking that a sacrifice for food is going to be it. I think this year it will be alcohol. I love, love, love, love my glass of wine or beer in the evening. (Or two, or three as it may sometimes be.) I’m not an alcoholic by any means, but it is one of my pleasures in life. And I am going to give up curse words. That one might even be more difficult than the wine!
I don’t plan on doing any binging today though, just some reflection. Tomorrow we’ll celebrate the beginning of Lent with our Ash Wednesday Service. That has always been one of my favorite services. It’s the one time I leave church with a visible mark upon my forehead of my Christianity.
Do you participate in the Lenten tradition of giving up something? If so, what are you giving up this year? Are you binging today?
For those of you who are not Christian – what does Mardi Gras mean to you?
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Still haven’t decided what I will give up, but already planned my meals for Ash Wednesday and this Friday, too, because we give up meat of any kind on Fridays during Lent and Ash Wednesday is always a given in the Catholic faith to give up meat for the day. Still brainstorming and I technically have a few more hours to come up with something 🙂
Janine Huldie recently posted…Hippity, Hoppity Easter’s On It’s Way With Janie And Jack’s New Spring Fling Girl’s Line
oh yes, I forgot about that. we never ate meat on Friday’s through Lent either. I kind of rebelled against that when I left the house, but now I think I will return to that!
We don’t give anything up for Lent over here, but I’ve always thought it was a lovely tradition. I’ve never been to New Orleans for Mardi Gras…but I think my time for debauchery has passed!!! (I think at this point, they’d take beads away from me if I flashed people) –Lisa
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bwahahaha laughing my honey off!! yes I think they’d rather give me beads to keep my goods hidden too!!!
oops I meant hiney not honey! auto correct!
I always start a new year with some sort of fasting. This year I have given up meat. I don’t think I will be returning. I am doing pretty good so far. Cravings here and there, but nothing I cannothandle.
Angela C. recently posted…My B-Girl Style
I am eating less and less meat too. I think the only meat I don’t want to completely give up is ground beef. I just love a big thick juicy burger or some taco salad! yummy!!!
This year I am giving up working on Sundays. Which I never should have been doing in the first place. The commandment to honor the Sabbath has gotten completely lost on me over the past few years, and I’ve decided to reclaim that time to rest and spend quality time with God and my family. Hoping to keep it up long after the Lenten season is over!
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Jewish here and without a lot of knowledge of any of it! However, my friend lives in New Orleans and her parade photos are unreal. It looks like the biggest party on earth.
Tamara recently posted…Too Darn Happy.
I haven’t given anything up for Lent in years. I guess you could say I gave up giving things up for Lent. The concept of Fat Tuesday always cracked me up. Love the photos of you celebrating!
another jennifer recently posted…National #GrammarDay Haiku
Thanks Jennifer. Yes, there are years I have given up giving up too!!