In today’s world, where obesity is becoming the norm instead of the extreme, it’s so important to make sure we are setting the example for our kids by putting a focus on an active, healthy life.
This can start really young! In fact, as my husband and I have started a new workout program, all 3 of our kids love working out with us. And it’s fun!
But there are other ways you can introduce activity to children – in ways they may not even recognize as “exercise,” while also exploring the world around them!
I received an advanced copy of the beautiful book: Rachel’s Day in the Garden: A Kids Yoga Spring Colors Book. My little girls LOVE it! Now that the weather is nicer and we can get outside, it’s so fun to combine their love of exploration with some great movements!
A little about the book:

Where can you get it?
Where to find the book:
Goodreads: (It helps so very much just to get in front of readers’ eyes, so it would mean so much to me if you could add Rachel’s Garden to your “Want to Read” Goodreads shelf.)
What others are saying:
“Rachel’s Day in the Garden is yet another one of Giselle’s masterpieces that incorporate yoga sequences into superb stories that kids love. The yoga poses are easy to follow and kids LOVE that they are moving their bodies like the real things they see within the book. Since they are so engaged in the story, kids don’t realize how hard they are working at strengthening and stretching their little bodies and the fabulous benefits they are giving their sensory systems. As pediatric occupational and physical therapists, we give this book two thumbs up for body boosting fun!”
Claire Heffron & Lauren Drobnjak, Founders of The Inspired Treehouse, Inc.
“Shardlow has mastered the art of integrating yoga, art, education and story into engaging books that promote movement, relaxation, literacy and connection. Rachel’s Day in the Garden is no exception and in fact, might be the best one yet! The Kids Yoga Stories series belongs in the hands of every child, parent and educator!”
Lisa Flynn, Founder of ChildLight Yoga and Yoga 4 Classrooms
Author of Yoga for Children; and Yoga 4 Classrooms Activity Card Deck
“Giselle Shardlow has done it again! “Rachel’s Day in the Garden,” with its sweet story line and beautiful illustrations, makes it so easy for parents and teachers to bring simple, fun yoga poses into their homes and classrooms. The lovely depictions of the garden and natural world lend themselves to singing lots of traditional songs along with the book, too: You Are My Sunshine and Rain Rain Go Away!”
Kira Willey, Musical Yogini
Would YOU like to review a copy?
I’m also helping Giselle spread the word and we’re looking for more bloggers or reviewers! You can get an advanced copy for free in exchange for an Amazon Review, Goodreads Review, OR a blog post. If that sounds awesome to you, please go HERE and fill out this FORM.
More about Giselle and Kids Yoga Stories:

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Aw, we loved this book too and cannot wait to share our review, too shortly as well 🙂
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Alexa – thanks so much for a wonderful review of Rachel’s Day in the Garden. I’m thrilled to hear that your girls enjoyed the garden yoga book. You’re absolutely right, being healthy as a family is our priority too! Thanks so much for helping to spread the word on the benefits of yoga books for kids.