Each morning I have the pleasure of driving my children and our neighbors to school. And each morning I have to laugh as I listen to the silliness of 5-8 year old boys! I thought I would start chronicling this crazy talk.
This morning, Nayner Bug’s BFF nearly had him in tears because he told him “I’m gonna rip off A’s butt cheeks and put them on your head!” Out of the mouths of babes, right?
So, of course, my sensitive and emotional five year old starts to get upset. “I don’t want A’s butt cheeks on my head!”
I couldn’t help myself. “Nayner Bug, do you really think O can pull off A’s butt cheeks and put them on your head????”
Response: three little boys giggling hysterically.
I can tell you, the conversation is drastically different from what it was for me growing up with three sisters!!!
Happy Monday everyone! Til the next time I get a funny quote from the back seat!!
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