Today is International Women’s Day 2016.
“Women are still underrepresented at every level in the corporate pipeline. Many people assume this is because women are leaving companies at higher rates than men or due to difficulties balancing work and family. However, our analysis tells a more complex story: women face greater barriers to advancement and a steeper path to senior leadership. Female leadership is an imperative for organizations that want to perform at the highest levels. Yet based on the slow rate of progress over the last three years, it will take twenty-five years to reach gender parity at the senior-VP level and more than one hundred years in the C-suite.2 While CEO commitment to gender diversity is high, organizations need to make a significant and sustained investment to change company practices and culture so women can achieve their full potential.” ~ McKinsey & Company study, in partnership with LeanIn Women in the workplace discusses the state of women in America
It’s hard to believe in 2016 this is still an issue. What’s even more disturbing is their finding that:
Based on employee pipeline data from 118 companies in 2015 and 60 companies in 2012, two broad themes emerge: women are still underrepresented, and they face real barriers to advancement.
Not cool. Not cool at all.
You can find out about all sorts of activities and ways to take action on the International Women’s Day 2016 Website. Including these and more resources:
EY’s The time for gender parity is now survey documents the economic imperative of gender parity and outlines three accelerators to help achieve it
EY’s Women. Fast forward on is a digital hub with resources and guidance for women in the workforce, women in leadership, women entrepreneurs and women athletes
McKinsey & Company report Unlocking the full potential of women at work features 60 companies that show how women have fuelled the US economy and its largest corporations
McKinsey & Company study, in partnership with LeanIn Women in the workplace discusses the state of women in America
EY’s Women in the public sector report reveals women are woefully under-represented in the public sector but a significant part of the workforce
EY study: Global generations is a survey of workers in eight countries about what they want from their jobs
What can you do? Start by taking the pledge for parity:
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