Many families are very concerned about the neurological development of their twins after suffering Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome (TTTS.) There is good news: a new report just released this week indicates that most twins who undergo fetoscopic laser surgery for TTTS will have normal neurodevelopment by the age of two.
Maternal-fetal medicine and clinical genetics specialist Nahla Khalek, MD, of the Center for Fetal Diagnosis and Treatment at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP), presented results of a study of 29 pairs of twins at the annual meeting of the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine today in New Orleans. Khalek led the analysis of two-year neurodevelopmental outcomes in twins with twin-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS) who underwent fetoscopic laser ablation of placental anastomoses in utero. It was the first study of two-year neurodevelopmental outcomes in a cohort of North American children with the diagnosis of TTTS.
“Overall, there were high rates of normal neurodevelopmental outcomes in these children at age 2,” said Khalek. “We did find differences in some outcomes based on TTTS stage and whether or not a twin was a former donor versus former recipient. The objective of fetal therapy should be to reach a high percentage of intact survival. However, this goal should never be limited to the perinatal period. This data will allow us to further stratify patients and guide us in counseling parents about longer-term neurodevelopmental outcomes for their children.”
This study was paid for by a family who was referred to CHOP when their twins had TTTS, and the laser surgery saved their lives.
The story is actually very interesting, and I encourage you to read the full article After Fetoscopic Laser Surgery for TTTS...
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[…] Neurodevelopment for Twins after Fetoscopic Laser Surgery for TTTS […]