Tweet Laughter, especially when enjoyed with people you love dearly, has been a saving grace in my life over the past year. Last night I also witnessed laughter working in the life of one of my closest friends.
Without going into too many details, this friend has faced many difficulties in the last year. Her sister passed in March after a long battle with ovarian cancer (at only 38!), her father has been ailing, and last Thursday, her mother, who was in excellent health, passed away very suddenly. This event has left us all shocked and wondering why??? Why has tragedy struck this wonderful family once again, and so soon after the last?
Our group of friends has grown closer and closer over the events of this last year. Through these horrible tragedies of this year, our girlfriends have been right by our sides. Last night, we gathered at E’s house to be there for her and try to take her mind out of the dark place we know it could so easily find. We sat on the floor and ate pizza, drank wine, and giggled like we were high school girls again. It did my soul good to see E enjoying us and being able to laugh and love, because I know inside her spirit is crushed.
So soon after her sister…
It just doesn’t make sense.
It pretty much sucks.
And it hurts. It hurts to see my friend mourn the two women she loved the most. Our losses are different, but no loss should be compared. The pain we both feel will resonate forever. It doesn’t just go away. Time may may the pain less brutal, but the pain will always be there.
But we are blessed. We are blessed with the wonderful women God put in our path who have, and will continue to be a light leading us out of darkness. Who make us laugh.
Last night we laughed, we hugged, we cried… and we laughed some more. And although the pain will remain, each giggle, each smile enables us to live another moment, escaping the blackness…
for now.
My forever friends.

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So true.. laughter is the best medicine. I’m so sorry to hear about the loss. My uncle passed away just last week. Life is just so unpredictable.. We don’t know what will happen.
Btw, thanks for stopping by my blog! =)
My forever friend…thank you for that beautiful post. And, thank you for knowing me well enough to know that laughing was/is so needed. In the darkest time of my life, you all have provided me with love beyond measure, laughter when I didn’t think I could smile and hope for what is to come. I love all of you dearly and am grateful for your shoulders that hold me up right now.
Love, E