I’m not a very crafty person at ALL. This is not a craft blog, nor someplace you would even consider going to for crafts. However, last Valentine’s Day, I did come up with an idea that served a dual purpose.
One – I used up a bunch of old pictures that I had on hand. (You know, you buy the 100 wallets and then wind up passing out 5?)
Two – kept my children occupied for at least 30 minutes.
And added bonus, we didn’t have to spend money on cards for the family.
I’m going to call this:
the “reuse and recycle” Easy Valentine’s Day cards for Kids
It’s so simple.
Gather the following items:
Construction paper
any other crafty items you like
any extra pictures you have that you want to send out.
Cut the construction paper into the size cards you want.
Let your children go to town!
Glue on pictures.
Voila, you’ve just made Easy Valentine’s Day Cards for Kids and grandparents will be ecstatic!
And while we’re talking about Valentine’s Day, The Mother of All Meltdowns is on sale for 0.99 for our Valentine’s Day gift to you! 🙂
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This is brilliant! (I’m not crafty at all)
And my mom would approve. She’s an artist/art teacher and this is exactly what she did with us five when we were kids. And she did not believe in store-bought valentines. At all! So we’d spread out an arts/crafts table with glue, glitter, construction paper for hearts, scissors, stickers, stamps, etc.
It works!
Tamara recently posted…Fly Away, Ask Away & Ladies Only Blog Share!
Oh I do love being called brilliant! “-) It does work!
I love how you took the old pictures and made these! I think that is super precious. What a great idea, and a great way to occupy the kids!!
Jen recently posted…8 Delicious Crock Pot Meals
Yes, to both of those things. I always feel guilty having a huge stack of pictures left over – I’m all about re-using things!
Love it and I so am not the crafty person either. Anything in our house that has been done and is t all crafty is because of Kevin being an artist, because I truly am lucky if I could draw stick people lol
Janine Huldie recently posted…Finally January Is Over!
That is hilarious. I am horrible even at stick people, but I think my husband is even worse. That’s why I love these little kid crafts, because no one expects them to be perfect!! and it’s cute that they are all crazy.
I am completely UNcrafty so this is perfect!! However- my idea of easy doesn’t have a list like that for supplies!! I prefer to use markers and paper only. 😉 NOT creative in that department! lol
Chris Carter recently posted…Transparency
You could totally do it with just those supplies. We just happened to have the other stuff on hand!
This is a great idea! My kids love doing art projects, so this would totally work. I also have some old Valentine’s Day cards they could cut up and use. Stealing this….
another jennifer recently posted…Philanthropy Friday (rewind): Celebrating 100 School Days with Kindness
Go for it! I loved the simplicity of it!
What a great idea! I love simple projects like that, especially when they use up lots of stuff you have lying around. The time the kids are occupied is just bonus!
Helen recently posted…Heart Door Hangers
I love the simplicity of this craft. Re-purposing is such a big way of life in our home. It was fun looking around your site. I am sure I will be back 🙂 #SITSblogging
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