Oral hygiene for my kids is a concern for me because, well, let’s be real here, we all know a kid with a great smile is more popular than a kid with rotten teeth! Hahhahaa, I’m just kidding (and yet I’m so NOT kidding!)
When they have smiles this gorgeous, you have to protect them, right??
Seriously though, who wants to have their kids go through cavities and tooth decay and all the horrendous things that can come from that? (Believe it or not, kids still DIE even in America from infections from tooth decay!!!)
Especially when there is so much information out there to help us give our kids good oral hygiene practices.
One of these sources of information is the Tooth Fairy Kids Club. It’s a free club!
- Join the FREE America’s ToothFairy Kids Club. Members will receive personalized letters from the ToothFairy and quarterly fun educational activities!
- For more fun facts, tips, photos and to see the winning video, “like” America’s Tooth Fairy on Facebook, follow on Twitter, and pin on Pinterest !
I have learned some really key information from this site. With three little ones with baby teeth, I found this very interesting and important:
Baby teeth play an important role in speech development, a child’s appearance and facial structure, nutrition and ensuring that permanent teeth erupt in their normal positions.
Although baby teeth are eventually replaced with permanent teeth, it is essential to keep them healthy. Decay and infection in baby teeth can cause damage to developing permanent teeth.
Tips from America’s Tooth Fairy!
* Parents and caregivers can share tooth-decay causing bacteria when they clean their child’s pacifier or bottle nipple by placing it in their mouths or when they share a child’s food and drink. Clean bottle nipples and pacifiers in warm soapy water and avoid sharing food and drinks with your children.
* Beginning at birth, clean infant gums with a damp cloth or soft toothbrush and warm water after each feeding and check your child’s gums/teeth daily.
* Encourage children to drink water, not juice, in between feedings and never put a bottle or sippy cup in the crib with anything but water.
* Children learn by example, brush and floss your teeth with them to encourage good oral health habits.
* Have your child create a calendar to track good oral health practices. Post the calendar in the bathroom and reward children with a gold star or happy face for each day of great oral care!
National Children’s Oral Health Foundation: America’s ToothFairy® asked me to do a review of the book The Magical ToothFairies (which I am giving away so enter below!) They provided me a copy to review and one to give away!
I didn’t know what to expect, but I was very pleasantly surprised. The story line is very cute! My kids love it. Plus it comes with a DVD with the cartoon version of the story, which was awesome!
The story kept my children’s attention (both the 3 and 5 year old) and the book is a gorgeous, bright, and fun story. It has great villains such as Dee Kay and McCavity.
The story was imaginative and I loved the idea behind the Tooth Fairies coming to take good clean baby teeth, from which they are able to make magic fairy dust. They won’t take yucky teeth! 🙂
Your kids are bound to love this book and the DVD, and mine were very anxious to brush their magic baby teeth after reading the story and watching the DVD! Enter to win it now!

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