Father’s Day Gift Ideas…Ways to Have Fun Together!
This is also helpful for the Giving Impaired (that would be ME!!)
(Regulations require that I disclose that this is a sponsored post and I received product and compensation. However, I would like to note that I was in love with Datevitation before they hired me!)
Y’all, I stink at giving gifts. I just do. I always have. And I get so stressed out about how they will be received. It’s terrible.
My husband really has not liked the last few gifts I got for him for various occasions. I thought I was being thoughtful, but I have a couple of problems. One, I am a procrastinator. Two, I don’t pay attention to details. This leads to last minute and not very well received gifts.
However, ever since I was a child, I have been a fan of the “coupon book” for a gift. You can think of things you know the receiver would really enjoy or appreciate, and let them redeem them at whatever point they need them. But I haven’t been giving them because I’m not creative enough to make them look nice.
So when I saw a review for Datevitation on one of my friend’s blogs, I knew this was something I had to have. I immediately used her coupon to order a book for my husband for Father’s day.
Then I was invited to participate as a reviewer myself! I couldn’t be happier about that!
So, what exactly is Datevitation and why is it so cool? OK, so, it’s basically bringing the sexy back to coupon books (and when I say sexy, I mean va-va-voom in the adult only section!)
You can put together coupon books for your spouse or loved one (or from your children to their father or anyone – there are appropriate choices for everyone!) – because they are custom love coupon books!
Check out the book I put together for my hubs’ Father’s day gift. (I will not share the one I put together for our anniversary! – wink, wink!)
It’s so cute! The book comes in a lovely little brown envelope with SURPRISE! on the front. You receive 5 “date ideas” in the cost, or you can add additional pages. Since my husband is an outdoorsy guy and loves being active, I had fun picking 5 “date ideas” for us to do between this Father’s Day and next. Bike riding, hiking, golfing, playing at a waterpark, and river rafting! (There are over 350 date ideas to choose from!)
Here’s a cute idea for one from a child to Father:
I think he’s finally going to like my gift!!
Here is some key information about Datevitation:
- is the web’s first online platform to create a custom love coupon book. Unlike the pre-packaged love coupon books on the market, you pick the dates and can customize the text to your liking. Once you are done customizing the text in your book, Datevitation will print it out and ship it to you.
The Datevitation library contains over 350 date ideas ranging from skydiving to stargazing to steamy adult-only activities. We also have over 100 book cover options to suit any occasion.
In addition to being the perfect romantic gift for your sweetie, Datevitation just launched its “boy” and “girl” characters with over 200 new activity illustrations specifically for kids and parents. Just in time for Father’s Day!
As a special treat for my followers, you can use the code ‘KATBIGGIE’ for $10 off your purchase in May or June. That means you can get your loved one a one-of-a-kind gift for Father’s day starting at just $10! The order cut-off date for guaranteed delivery by Father’s Day is June 6 so make sure to get your order in before then!
Datevitation is a family business run by the husband-wife team of Alex and Olga Karpman. I love supporting family businesses!
In addition to my discount code, you can also enter to win a book for free! I hope you’ll do that!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Although I was compensated for this post, I really do love the book that I ordered! This is one Father’s day gift that he’s sure NOT to forget! 🙂
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Yay, that you were able to do this and love that you ordered one for your husband. I also love this idea and so am with you on it. I actually gave it to Kevin early for his birthday, because it arrived the day before and just couldn’t wait to gift it to him. So now I have to come up with another Father’s Day gift, lol!! 🙂
Janine Huldie recently posted…Raising Reagan ONE YEAR Blogiversary Blog Giveaway Opp
Thanks Janine! I know, I am so excited about this, it’s silly! Maybe because it’s the gift that keeps on giving… not only does he get the gift, but I look forward to doing the five dates as well!!!
I would love to win custom coupons for father’s day. My kids would have a blast making these!
Ilene recently posted…Yay! You Made It!
Well please, fill out the rafflecopter and go for it! Hardly anyone has yet, so you have pretty much an awesome chance of winning!!
I had so much fun picking my coupon book out for my daughter’s birthday a few weeks ago!!! They are such a wonderful company aren’t they??!!! I actually JUST ordered another one for my son… gotta be fair! His Birthday isn’t until January… 🙂
Great to see so many friends doing this giveaway!! They found all the right gals!!
Chris Carter recently posted…Devotional Diaries: “Jesus Wept” (John 11:35)
I know! These are fun! I’m so glad I saw it on your site! However, I am having a challenge getting people to participate in the giveaway.
That’s a really cute idea. You might want to check out my shop too — I offer family weekends (staycations) in a box. Everything planned to create great family weekends (includes enough stuff for ten weekends if you do it all). 🙂 I don’t normally promote my stuff in blog comments, but it’s a cool, unique idea like this… If I do say so myself! 🙂
Happy Father’s Day to your hubby and all the dads out there!
Karen Dawkins recently posted…Urban Renewal and You
Staycations in a box. Now that is a terrific idea! I will check out your page!
Okay this is the cutest idea ever!! Love it!! I love coupon books and they’re not always easy to find when you want them!
Kristen Daukas recently posted…Frush Yogurt – No Spoons Required
Such a cute gift idea!
How FUN!!! I can think of so many uses for these!!!
Janene recently posted…Easy Tutorial For Making Your Own Blog Button, Part Two: Pass It On
These are really adorable! Cute giveaway!
Chrsitine recently posted…The More Than Mommies Mixer – Blog and Twitter Hop
I love the “Win An Argument” one. My husband would love it too! Haha
I like the frisbee one!
I love the stargazing one!
love the “Win An Argument” one
I love the idea of making one of these for your little girl – I like trip to the bookstore.
I like star gazing. The picnic one is also cute.
River rafting!
Hang Gliding.
Sleeping in- my husband would love that one
I like “New Tradition” and “Sleeping In.” kristiedonelson(at)gmail(dot)com Thank you.