Once? Just once? Bwahahahahhhahahahahahaha! Hey – before you get too far into my acts of stupidity, I am guest posting at The Mom Cafe today! You can check that post out here!
My memoir could be chapter after chapter of “I Did Something Really Stupid!”
Like how about the time I “replied all” to everyone on a huge email to coworkers and totally talked trash about my supervisor? Yes. I did. Took a long time to get beyond that.
I spent over $1000 on Amway products when I was 20 years old, thinking that I was going to become a rich Amway distributor. Nope, only wound up with a lot of really crappy products (mostly vitamins) and a big credit card bill.
Or maybe the time when I lived in Charleston and I drove myself home drunk. That might be the stupidest thing EVER and thank God I did not hurt anyone!
Or how about the time at a Squadron Christmas party, shortly after we returned from a deployment and everyone drank way too much, and I started a fight (verbal not physical) in the bathroom with one of the pilots’ wives? Yes… did that too. (Alcohol is usually involved with the stupidest of my stupid things… but not all of them!)
Really, I could go on for days.
Probably the stupidest thing I’ve done sober was when I was driving from Savannah to Jacksonville, NC on a rainy day. I took the wrong road, and instead of waiting until a good place to turn around, I decided to go onto the shoulder of the road to give myself room to do a U-turn. Did I mention it was raining? And the shoulder of the road was grass? Wet, slick grass.
Next thing I knew, I was in the ditch, almost rolled over, and the car was filling up with water. I had to pay $200 to get towed out of the ditch and my car never smelled right again.
Don’t try to turn around on a wet, grassy side of the road.
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