Music has such power over me.
It can change my emotions instantly.
A song can take me back in time in a flash to a memory of another time I listened to that song.
“Songs that remind us of the better times…” but sometimes songs that re
mind me of the not so better times.
When I am running, music is a MUST. Because for me, running is a mental game. I KNOW that I can physically do the distance. After all, I have completed a full marathon and several half marathons. But my mind often wants to quit long before my body.
So my answer is: good music! Music that can take me completely away from the misery of running. Well, it’s miserable for the first few minutes, until I get in stride, the endorphins kick in, and it begins to feel good.
I’ve just recently started training for a Tough Mudder and a Half Marathon. You may have read my post From Couch to 5K in One Day! I described how I just went for it and ran a 5K with no running training. But I have run in the past, so as I explained, I knew I could make it 3.1 miles.
But it was the music that got me through. I turned on the Linkin Park Pandora channel and listened to a wide variety of punk/rock/whatever you would call the genre of music that Linkin Park, Staind, Disturbed, and so forth fall into. For some reason, music filled with anger fuels my energy tank! 🙂
I let my mind wander as I imagine the scenarios behind the lyrics. I make up “movies” in my mind based on the soundtracks playing in my ears. And I remember other times in my life when I listened to these artists on a regular basis.
I recall running along the flightline at the Air Base in Qatar where I was deployed two times. The feeling of absolute power and freedom as I released the stress of a 12-14 hour night shift supporting our aircrews as they flew in and out of Iraq and Afghanistan. The release of the anger and sadness as I learned about some of their missions. We flew combat support. Sometimes our aircraft took supplies, sometimes, many times, we flew emergency medical missions, airlifting the wounded.
Although it could be very exciting and fulfilling work, it also was draining. I would return to my tent between six and seven in the morning, change into my running gear, turn on my music and run.
I would watch the jets take off and land as I ran down the road along the flightline. And all stress would leave my body as I picked up the pace and just left it all behind. For at least a short while.
The music helped me find the rhythm to my run. The music kept me going.
Do you like to listen to music when you exercise?
What kind?
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When I did run, I had to do it with music. It made time pass easier, it set my pace. No other way to run. 🙂
Alison recently posted…Afros and Muffins
Agreed! I have to be distracted. Not to say that I can’t distract myself, because I am easily distracted. But music lets me lose myself a little more!
Totally agree with you and love to listen to music when I work out, pretty much anything that makes me want to move. And good for you on getting in shape with the half marathon coming up!! 🙂
Janine Huldie recently posted…Too Honest for My Own Good!
Thanks Janine! Hoping that my knees will make it! I’ve been having a lot of issues with my RA/Lupus lately… trying not to let that slow me down!
I do think music makes a huge difference when I exercise! I have a great playlist! Which is why it is sad that I don’t exercise. I should, though.-Ashley
The Dose of Reality recently posted…Would You Rather: Have To Homeschool Your Children Or Send Them To Boarding School?
I know right? If nothing else, just to listen to that awesome playlist!!
I feel like every time I read a post from you, I learn so much about you. It’s startling! In a good way. I think it was Joi or another from our large tribe who said that exercise without music was like painting without paint? Maybe it was something like that. Yes, I do most things to music – blogging, photo editing, power-walking, driving, etc. The mood changes but I like Pandora for both its familiarity and its unexpected surprises.
Tamara recently posted…Some Things You Just Know.
I would say that’s a good thing! If you weren’t learning anything about me, I’m a terrible blogger! LOL. Yes, I agree. For me, it would certainly be like painting without paint! And Pandora rocks!
I actually don’t, I use the time to just clear my head. I haven’t gone running in almost 4 months but when I would, I kind of felt like Forest Gump lol I just get so deep into my thoughts that I don’t even pay attention to how long I’ve been running. Now that I think about it, those are the times I’ve ran the furthest.
Alma @ A Conquered Mess recently posted…5 Simple Steps to a Healthier You
I think that is great too. Some days I just really like to think as well, and even with the music on, I lose myself in my thoughts. But I don’t think I have EVER not paid attention to how long I’ve been running! Maybe that will come soon!
Music is such a huge part of my life. I can’t do anything without music in the background. It keeps me going. I usually have the Alternative Rock station on during the day, though I can listen to most anything (with the exception of country). The Linkin Park type stuff tends to be my favorite!
another jennifer recently posted…Philanthropy Friday (rewind): NAEIR
Music makes housework fun too. I love the walk and clean with music playing. Upbeat music can change my mood and help me want to do more.
JDaniel4’s Mom recently posted…{Read.Explore.Learn.} Is Your Buffalo Ready for Kindergarten?
I have to listen to music when I run, otherwise all I hear is my labored breathing. But I often forget to turn on music when I’m alone in the house – I really should, because it would make cleaning or housework a little easier. Maybe I wouldn’t talk to myself so much if there was music playing 🙂
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