Today is October 15th. International “Pregnancy and Infant Loss” Remembrance Day.
I thought I would have many words to say.
But turns out I don’t.
This October 15th Please light a candle at 7pm in your time zone to remember all babies who have been lost too soon.
I’ll be remembering many. Kathryn, Britany, Cate, Arabella, Naomi, Evan, Henry, John, Alexander, Brie, and so many others.
We love you and remember you always.
In honor of this day, Sunshine After the Storm: A Survival Guide for the Grieving Mother is FREE on Kindle today and tomorrow. Please download and share.
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Will totally light a candle and thank you for the reminder here today. Hugs!
Janine Huldie recently posted…Otto’s New Costume, Hayride & Wonderful Wednesday Blog Hop
I can always, always count on you! Thank you Janine!
This is such a beautiful thing you are doing, my friend. I have already had a few in real life friends share your book and because of you, hearts will be blessed.
Will lift all the grieving parents up in prayer today, and always.
Chris Carter recently posted…House Rules For Our Family… What Are Your House Rules?
Thank you Chris. I greatly appreciate you sharing. I got some very positive feedback on the book from a bereavement group leader who said she read it, loves it, and it is so very, very helpful. Thank you for praying!
I will certainly light a candle this evening, in memory of Kathryn and Tyler and so many others.
Katie @ Pick Any Two recently posted…6 Things Happy People Do Every Morning
Sometimes words aren’t needed. Hugs to you, my friend. xoxo
another jennifer recently posted…Wordless Wednesday: Fall Colors on the Androscoggin
Hugs to you today, friend. I noticed a friend today posted a name and one date from many years ago. I never knew she had lost a child, but I’m glad she felt brave to post it today and honor his memory.
Rabia @TheLiebers recently posted…Stuffed Jack o’ Peppers
Oh I am too! My cousin finally named her daughter almost 40 years after losing her pregnancy. It’s an important step to healing when they acknowledge them. Thank you for sharing that.