My kids are on Spring Break this week. As much as I would that to translate to hours uninterrupted on the beach to read my books, that is not in my immediate future. Trips to the zoo, Monkey Joes, and hours of playing “yard sale” fit the bill.
However, I did finally finish reading The Bloodletter’s Daughter. I loved this book! Here is my review for you!
The Bloodletter’s Daughter by Linda Lafferty
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I have always been a big fan of European history, all stories related to the crazy Hapsburgs and the Holy Roman Empire, and an intriguing storyline. The storyline includes a madman obsessed with a young, innocent bathmaid who has high hopes of becoming a physician at a time when that was not even an option for women. I couldn’t wait to get back to this book at every possible opportunity. The Bloodletter’s Daughter> is a very well researched, well written historical fiction about Marketa Pichlerova, a bath maid in Bohemia in the early 1600s and her relationship with Don Julius, the mad son of King Rudolph II. I found the book to be very easy to read and engaging, with well developed characters.
Best of all, you can get it for your Kindle on Amazon for very inexpensive, or even borrow it for free if you are a Prime Member! Woot!
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I really enjoyed reading your website. I have to read this book, it sounds like a good read. I found you via Dysfunction Junction, ‘Featured Sponsor’ add.
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Thanks for the review and I really need more hours in the day, because I have so much I want to read now and just don’t have the time 🙁
Janine Huldie recently posted…Style Advice for Petite Ladies
I know Janine! It took me four months to read this book – not because it wasn’t awesome, but because finding the time to read is such a rare pleasure!
Thanks for the review- I added it to my to-read list. I love a good historical fiction novel!