Remember 9/11
I will never forget.
I had only been on active duty 7 months. All of a sudden war was a possibility.
All of our lives changed that day as Americans. Never again would life seem as “simple” to us.
I was lucky not to have lost anyone close to me on that day, but my husband lost one of his best friend’s from growing up. Shannon worked in the South Tower, and he never made it out. We remember you today Shannon.
For me, that day set into action a series of events that meant worrying as my fiance (now husband) was deployed. Then I was deployed shortly after. The two of us deployed 5 times back to back over the next two years.

I met President Clinton on my second deployment to the Middle East
To me, 9/11 represents war, loss, fear; but most of all it means resilience.
Be Sure to Read THIS POST about remembering the victims.
Resilience of the American spirit.
As I went on after my time in the Air Force to work in Homeland Security, I developed a very close relationship with first responders. I met people who were there. Like Vinny, the firefighter, who lost most of his hearing that day, but gives everything he has to training first responders now. He instructed me in a counter terrorism course I took, and he gave me a guardian angel firefighter pin to wear.
If you feel the urge to relive the events of that day, National Geographic has an incredible page set up with a timeline and photographs. Still gives me chills. Still takes me back to that instant.
What does 9/11 mean to you?
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I would love to go there to see, but this day always makes ma a bit too emotional for words. I had just gone back to college after taking a few years off, where I had working for a brokerage firm. They actually had wanted to transfer me to downtown Manhattan at the time. I would depart the Subway in one of the Twin Towers and then walk one block to where the NYC office was. I opted not to and go back to school, but still remember when this happened seeing the still photos and realizing I would have been smack in the middle of this had I taken that job. I was in shock at first, but then I just started to cry, but felt so guilty that I actually did survive and wasn’t involved after all. Sounds crazy, but I still get chills thinking about it all and sorry for the long vent here, but just had to share with you.
Janine Huldie recently posted…Steps to a Healthier Me~Thanks Energy Bits, Ellie and Glossy Box
I didn’t realize you were on active duty during 9/11. I can’t imagine what that would have been like. It’s a sad day and a day of remembrance but I love what you say about resilience. That’s what I will think about today.
Ilene recently posted…The Familiar
A beautiful post from a perspective I don’t feel like we hear often…someone who was in the military and then had to face the very real possibility of war. Thank you for sharing that. It is hard to believe it has been 12 years. In so many ways it is like yesterday and yet it feels like a lifetime ago.-Ashley
The Dose of Reality recently posted…Would You Rather: Never Have To Do Laundry Or Dishes Again?
I had no idea you were on active duty then. My brother in law is in the Air Force. That day will be forever imprinted on my brain. We were in Boston visiting friends and my oldest son, who was just a toddler then, pointed at the tv and said that airplane just flew into the building. It’s like there was before and now there is after. The heroes of the day will always be an inspiration to me.
Michelle recently posted…Give Your Child a Headstart on Reading, with Bookboard
I didn’t realize you were on active duty at that time either. I can’t imagine the emotions you must have gone through. It’s still hard for me to see the pictures and the stories. Visiting the memorial last year was incredibly sobering.
another jennifer recently posted…Wordless Wednesday: Changing Leaves, Bowdoin College
I learn so much about you every post! I didn’t know you were on active duty then. I was in college and eating cheese eggs and cocoa krispies at the dining hall after a first period class. The boy at the table next to me screamed and asked the rest of us, “Did you hear that? On the radio?” Then he ran out. We all scattered and found buses or cars back home. Then we heard the truth. My boyfriend (ex before 9/11, current every day after for awhile) was on his way to the WTC where he worked, but he worked a later schedule and didn’t make it into the city before his bus was turned around. Thank God. We could see the towers burning later that morning from the higher parts of the Jersey shore. Crabs were washing up left and right.
Tamara recently posted…I Love Your Heart.
You know what Alexa? I would love to read more about your experience in the air force and military life deployed. Have you ever thought about writing more about this are of your life? You have SO much experience and so much to offer us!! Just an idea…
Thank God you and your hubs are safe and sound.
Chris Carter recently posted…What To Do When You’re Sick
I have thought about it but I just haven’t gotten around to it yet. I have lots of interesting stories. At least I think so!
I just wanted to say “thank you” to you and your husband for serving.
Christine at More Than Mommies recently posted…The Sunday Sip – Fill Your Cup with Too MOD Mom
It’s hard to believe it’s been 12 years…and I can’t imagine the emotions you felt with being on active duty. It was a sad day for our country, but it showed how strong the American spirit really is.
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