In October, I edited and self published my first book, Sunshine After the Storm: A Survival Guide for the Grieving Mother. I rounded up over thirty other parents who had experienced the loss of a pregnancy, infant, or child, or have had to deal with infertility. While I wrote the frame of the book, the heart and soul comes from the individual stories that are shared within.
We share our personal experiences with loss, but also how we survived it. And what you, if you are a grieving mother, or someone supporting a grieving mother, can do to survive.
We cover a broad gamut of topics, from multiple pregnancies losses, to stillbirth, infant loss, to the loss of older children. We share stories of infertility, and stories of wavering faith. We cover horrible, and good things that were done for us and said to us. We talk about how father’s grieve differently and the difficulties a relationship can face after the loss. We talk about the good that has come from our losses, such as the creation of the TTTS Support Team, Teeny Tears, Finding My Muchness, Donna Day (Donna’s Good Things), Molly Bears, Naomi’s Circle, Mikayla’s Grace, A Little Thunder, the film about stillbirth Return to Zero, and so many other wonderful support organizations that have been formed because of the impact a loss of a child had on someone.
Writing this book was so cathartic for all of us. We wanted to get it out to as many grieving parents as we could. So we gave free copies of the ebook for several days. More than 1700 copies were downloaded. We began to receive amazing feedback and we realized what a positive impact this book of hope and encouragement could be.
So I decided to take it to the next level. I created Sunshine After the Storm, Inc., a nonprofit with the goal of raising funds to cover the costs of donating the book free of charge to NICUs, bereavement support groups, churches, and the like. We have raised enough money to donate about 35 books, and not long ago, I delivered 6 to the bereavement section of the maternity wards at two of our downtown hospitals.
I am truly thrilled and honored to be recognized today for Philanthropy Friday at Another Jennifer. You can learn more about Sunshine After the Storm, Inc at her blog today. I am turning off comments in hopes you will go visit her blog!
Thanks so much!
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