I am part of an AWESOME mommy panel with Cassie from Two In Diapers and Julie from Naptime Review.
Each Saturday, we will bring you fresh new ideas and advice about motherhood.
If you enjoyed what you read, we encourage you to tweet about it!
Coming on May 18th, we will discuss:
Tips For Traveling With Small Children
Now on to this week’s topic!
What sorts of summer activities or camps do you enroll your children in?
Here is what Mom Connection shared:
Welcome! I’m Julie over at Naptime Review. I am a mom of two wild, crazy and beautiful girls. My oldest is 4 and my baby is 20 months old. This is what sort of summer activities or camps I enroll my children in:
Every summer since Averie has been a baby we have always done swim lessons. This summer since our new home has a swimming pool, the girls will be doing Self Rescue Lessons. If you haven’t seen the Facebook video floating around, you should check it out here. It is amazing! It was a real eye-opener to how fast a child can find themselves submerged into water.
I am also excited that Averie is finally at an age to enroll on Vacation Bible School. VBS is a week long of bible stories, crafts, music and fun! We are so excited!
So other than swim lessons and VBS we look forward to relaxing and enjoying the sun!
Oh, and did I mention packing up and moving with two small children? IKES!
Hi! I’m Cassie from Two In Diapers, and I’m a mommy to three sweet babies, ages 5, 3, and 20 months. This is what sort of summer activities or camps I enroll my children in:
I definitely think a successful summer is one that is full and fun! Since our children are still pretty little (our oldest just turned 5), organized summer activities have been mainly soccer, and we will be participating in Vacation Bible School this year. In addition to that, we frequent every park in this city and make a few visits to the pool as well! I also co-run a playgroup, so we have weekly activities through it. When my littles get a bit older I’m sure we will be swamped with camps and things, but for now we just try to get out and enjoy the sunshine every single day!
My name is Alexa from No Holding Back. I am the mom of Nayner Bug (male, 5), Jelly Bean, (female, 3) and Tiny (female, 1). This is what sort of summer activities or camps I enroll my children in:
We are on a really tight budget, so our activities will be mostly limited to free, or mostly free activities. I have the kids already registered for two vacation Bible schools!
My 6 and 3-year-old both really want to do gymnastics, so I will probably enroll them for the summer and see how that goes. That will give them a planned activity each week.
We are lucky that we have a pool, so we’ll spend a good bit of time swimming. We also always take advantage of our zoo membership, and I’m sure there will be plenty of trips to the zoo, the park, and picnics with the other moms and children in the Moms club. We live about 40 minutes away from a large lake and two hours from the beach, so those are both feasible day trip options.
This summer I also plan to take full advantage of the programs at the library.
The summer will be over so fast!
My name is Fotini! I blog over at Glamorous Affordable Life. I am the mom of (Isabella 2 years and Christian 6 years). This is what sort of summer activities or camps I enroll my children in:
Since Christian was about two years old, I’ve had him in swimming lessons every summer and some sort of sport. We always enjoyed spending the mornings at the pool for lessons and a little play afterwards, and then practice a few evenings during the week. And then Ms. Isabella became a busy little toddler and doesn’t like to sit still. I learned this the hard way last Fall when we signed him up for soccer. I spent both practice and games chasing her around. Needless to say, we will be taking a break from a busy summer schedule this year! I did, however, enroll Christian in T Ball with a little guy from his class, who also lives in our neighborhood. We’re really looking forward to that starting the end of the month. My hopes are that Isabella will listen to me a little better and be intrigued by Christian!
My name is Kristen from The Mrs. & The Momma. I’m the momma of 4 children ages 2-7. This is what sort of summer activities or camps I enroll my children in:
With my oldest being seven, we’re not quite at that age where I can send my children off to summer camp for a glorious 2 weeks (while I sit at home reading, taking baths, and luxuriating in doing nothing). I always hear friends gush about what great memories they have from summer camp, and I’ve thought of sending my children someday. There are some amazingly legendary ones around the Austin area.
Your Turn:
What sorts of summer activities or camps do you enroll your children in?
Leave us a comment; we love to read your tips and advice!
Need advice? Check out these previous Mom Connection topics:
Setting Goals with Your Children
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Alexa, I am with you on being on a limited budget and will also be taking advantage of many free activities this summer with my girls, too. I actually taught at a summer camp before I had kids and after seeing what goes on behind the veiled curtain so to speak, even if I did have the money not sure I would send them to a camp setting. Let’s just say it isn’t all it is cracked up to be. That said I did like reading others plan though and thank you all for sharing!! Happy Mother’s Day Alexa!! 🙂
Janine Huldie recently posted…Weekly Confessions Wrap-Up #13
There is one summer camp I really want to send my kids to. I used to be a Junior Counselor at this camp about an hour from here. it was AWESOME! It was just like the summer camps you see in the movies and I loved it! I think next summer my son will be big enough. I had five and six year olds for one week one year, and they were adorable, but they cried a lot caused they were just a little too young. Next summer he’ll be seven and I think he’ll love it! Oh how I’d love to do the polar bear club again!
When our daughter was younger we did all of the free activities hosted by our local art museum and library as well as any VBS that we could find. We also had a group of local artists that would host art camps for a nominal fee and there is always the swimming lessons. Last year was a turning point in summer activities in that it was her first year to help with swimming lessons and go to both church camp and summer camp. Great for her but a bit sad for me. 🙂
Pary Moppins recently posted…Pin It Tuesday
Yes, I can see how that would be sad. It’s a reminder of how quickly they go from little to big people! The art camps sound fun!