Does this remind you of any of your children? Running in circles so fast they’re literally tearing it up? That’s what I call “cutting a rug!” And it reminds me of my oldest child, Bug.
Have you ever been concerned that your child has ADHD?
I know I have… I am. In fact, I just wrote a post about my frustrations with him not listening and the decision to have him tested for #ADHD. How we have such a difficult time getting him to follow directions and settle down. How much I want to be able to deal with him better.
Pursuing this evaluation is something I have really been considering for a long time.
Around the same time I started to seriously consider having him tested, I received some information about a new test for kids suspected of ADHD. It’s called Easy Peezy, and it is a pee (urine) test. Full disclosure – I was asked to write about this for compensation, but I assure you, I am generally interested, intrigued, and wondering if this could be our answer…
#EasyPeezy Pee Test is NOT a test for #ADHD.
However, studies indicate that many children that actually have something called Obstructive Sleep #Apnea that has very similar symptoms to ADHD.
For example: Does your child snore at night or have difficulty concentrating? Is he/she hyperactive in school? Has your child been diagnosed with ADHD? If you answered yes to any of these questions, your child might have Obstructive Sleep #Apnea (OSA), a condition often misdiagnosed and medically treated as ADHD.
#EasyPeezy IS:
The Easy Peezy Pee Test is a urine sample test that is faster, simpler, and more accurate in detecting Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) in kids without the hassle, cost and discomfort of an overnight stay in a sleep lab.
OSA is a dangerous condition in which there are brief pauses in your child’s breathing pattern during sleep.
Breathing stops because the airway collapses, blocking the flow of oxygen for short periods of time. OSA has been linked to increased child obesity, depression, and bed-wetting.
Interrupted sleep frequently leads to other symptoms – such as fatigue, irritability, hyperactivity, inattentiveness, and an inability to concentrate – (that sounds familiar!) – all of which can have a negative impact on a child’s education and development.
If left undetected and untreated, OSA can lead to high blood pressure and higher risks of diabetes or heart disease as children grow into adults.
Watch this video for a quick explanation. (Plus, it’s cute).
Normally, if your doctor suspects sleep apnea, he will send your child to a sleep lab. This can be an uncomfortable and frightening experience – not to mention expensive at $1500 to $3000 per night – and there may be a long waiting period, as most sleep labs do not conduct tests on children.
NuSomnea has created a more accurate and simple way to detect OSA in children. The #EasyPeezyTest, which includes a specimen cup and pre-paid return mailer, is mailed to your home. Simply return the urine sample to the lab for analysis. Within three days of receiving the test, results will be provided to your child’s doctor. If your child has OSA, you can begin discussing treatment. Testing for OSA in kids can be that simple, and at a fraction of the cost of a sleep lab study!
A preliminary study shows this test has a 96.5% accuracy rate in diagnosing OSA in children. However, $100,000 is needed to finish development and validation of the Easy Peezy Test. To support the Indiegogo campaign and keep our kids healthy, visit
How can your support help? 45 seconds on YouTube can explain it better than I can!
Why are they doing an Indiegogo Fundraising Campaign? How will the money be used?
We need to finish the development and clinical validation of the Easy Peezy Pee Test so pediatricians can use it and parents can ask for it! Unfortunately, this final step isn’t cheap, so we’re launching an Indiegogo fundraising campaign on September 16, 2014 to raise the $100,000 needed to get the Easy Peezy Pee Test tested, approved, and made available to doctors and kids.
Let’s Review:
- According to research, up to half of the kids with ADHD may have p-OSA … either in addition to ADHD or instead of ADHD.
- Research has also shown that a large percentage of the ADHD kids respond to the standard treatment for p-OSA, which is tonsil and adenoid surgery – again reinforcing the conclusion that many of these kids had p-OSA in addition to or instead of ADHD.
- If your child has a 50/50 chance that p-OSA is causing the cognitive and behavioral problems, wouldn’t you want to at least check for OSA first?
- If the child does have p-OSA, then treating only for ADHD (with stimulant drugs) won’t resolve the underlying issue.
Please consider supporting this really important EasyPeezy campaign here! I sure am. AND, as soon as it’s available, I’m having Bug pee in the cup!
#EasyPeezy is going to make a huge difference for parents trying to find answers – follow them for more information on this important test:
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Never actually heard of this, but definitely think this will change the way testing for ADHD will occur more and more in the future. So, I seriously thank you for sharing this with us here today.
Janine Huldie recently posted…Ornaments with Love Feeding My Christmas Decorating Love
I hadn’t heard of it either. But it’s cool!
We’ve been thru this with 2 of our girls… having something that we can control to at least eliminate a few things would have been SO helpful. Not to mention less taxing on their emotions.
Kristen recently posted…6 Twitter #Fails You May be Making
This is the second time I’ve heard of this. I’m interested in hearing more about it once it’s available. Sometimes I think ADHD is diagnosed too quickly. Really interesting facts. I had no idea about OSA.
another jennifer recently posted…Bacon, Selflessness and an Open Air Workout
How interesting – I’ve heard of OSA but I did not know that it is can be confused with ADHD. Thanks for sharing!
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