This is a sponsored post by me on behalf of Have you ever imagined what it might be like to live in chronic pain? I don’t have to imagine, because I know. While this is a Sponsored Post for Lifescript, I am writing to you from the heart about something I live with day in and day out. Rheumatoid Arthritis. Lupus. Thyroid Disease. The pain that comes from living with auto immune diseases. The lifestyle changes associated with it. And now there is a resource at my fingertips. Lifescript provides so much information and help as I maneuver through this unfortunate hand I have been dealt.

My new “go-to” source for information on Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus and more! #Lifescript
What is Lifescript? provides medical information, tips and advice that are all written by professional health writers, experts and physicians.
I recently wrote a post about how I was referred for Rheumatoid Arthritis, after having all sorts of issues, swelling and pain during and after my second pregnancy. I began seeing a Rheumatologist and went through tests, many labs, the experimental medicines and different diagnoses. Rheumatoid Arthritis and Lupus are the two most likely scenarios, but I have cross over symptoms (auto immune diseases don’t play fairly!) **There is a difference between arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis (RA). RA is an auto immune disease and can be controlled to minimize damage to the joints.
All of this leads me to Lifescript. More specifically the Rheumatoid Arthritis Center. When I saw the SITS girls campaign seeking those with Rheumatoid Arthritis to review a company that specializes in providing women information on diseases such as RA, I knew that I wanted to participate. This is a topic I have been wanting to explore more in depth on this blog.
As you can imagine, once my doctor started throwing out diagnoses such as RA and Lupus, I began conducting research. There are a ton of medical sites out there that have bits and pieces of the puzzle, but Lifescript is more comprehensive. Not only does the site provide basic information you need to know about the disease, but also gives information about:
- the treatments available
- how to live life to the fullest
- lifestyle and diet changes that are beneficial
- resources to help you
Even with the amount of research I have already conducted, I am finding a great deal of information I did not already know on Lifescript’s Rheumatoid Arthritis Center.
Did I mention it’s a completely free service?
The Rheumatoid Arthritis Health Center
Lifescript’s Rheumatoid Arthritis Health Center (which is just one of many health centers covering all of the most common health problems for women) features tips, quizzes, recipes and articles – all by professional health writers, experts and physicians. These cover common RA symptoms, foods that compose an anti-inflammatory diet, new RA therapies and more. Please visit the Lifescript Health Center on Rheumatoid Arthritis for more information.
My favorite part is the section devoted to recipes and tips for food and activities to help reduce and improve symptoms. They totally won me over with a yummy recipe for a Cherry-Almond Crumble. It’s like they KNEW I would be visiting! Love cherry-almond anything! Who am I kidding? I love food!

Find healthy weight loss tips for Women with Rheumatoid Arthritis and more at #Lifescript
In all seriousness, it is important for me to follow a diet that consists of foods that are anti-inflammatory. Recently the pain has spread to my feet and I know my body is trying to tell me I need to make more changes. I have done some research on the positive results that can come from lifestyle and diet changes, and I am ready to begin exploring these options.
Weight loss is doubly important when you have a disease that attacks your joints. As the medical experts point out in the Healthy Weight loss with RA section of Lifescript, you do not need extra weight on your joints making it worse!
We have certainly come to understand that healthy living and taking care of our bodies is essential. Mental health is an important factor too. I appreciate the fact that they also have a center dedicated to Depression, which, as a loss mother, is another area of concern to me! Be sure to check out this free website here!
If you are looking for information specific to Rheumatoid Arthritis, you’ll want to read the following posts:
- Stages of Rheumatoid Arthritis (in the Treatment Center)
- Stages of RA for the Caregiver – how to help a loved one with RA
- Living with Chronic Pain
Visit for useful information on Rheumatoid Arthritis and other prevalent medical conditions related to women’s health. Even if RA is not an issue to you, be sure to check out the site. If you are affected by COPD, Asthma, migraines, depression, pain, diabetes, and many other common issues, this website can be a great resource for you or your loved ones!
This is a sponsored post by me on behalf of
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Very good information and even though I don’t suffer with any of these, I have lower back issues and know all too well what it is like to deal with chronic pain from that. I know it isn’t the same, but still have had my fair share of pain, so this great that there are resources to help minimize your pain and suffering. Thank you for sharing and will totally share, too!!
Janine Huldie recently posted…Origami Owl Review & Giveaway
Make sure you check out the site – there may be resources that can help with your back pain, or any chronic pain. It is a wealth of information. I really appreciate you sharing this and commenting. And ANY kind of chronic pain sucks. I know you get migraines – they have an entire dedicated section to migraines as well, so be sure to look at that!
Really great information, Alexa! I am going to bookmark this site. My dad has RA and I’ve heard that it is hereditary so it will be helpful for me to read up on the symptoms and treatment! Thanks!
Christine at More Than Mommies recently posted…What, Why, Where and How of Hashtags
Yes DEFINITELY! It is hereditary, as are all auto immune diseases, and it is critical to know what to watch for. The earlier you can catch an auto immune disease and stop any damage, the better!
I am looking forward to checking out the site. Living with autoimmune issues myself, I am always looking for a good resource. I hate that you have to live with chronic pain and hope that it is helpful for lots of us out there. Thanks for sharing!
Take care,
Trish @ Uncommon recently posted…Monday Funday Link Party {23}
Thank you Trish! I have been pretty impressed with the site and hope you like it too!
What an excellent resource for anyone with RA
Ilene recently posted…The Wall
Yes it is! And many other conditions as well. It’s a great resource for all women’s health issues!
Thank you for this resource!
Many times health resources are all for men with a little women’s section hidden some where on the page, and they only discuss pregnancy/weight loss. Although some of the content is cringe worthy (like their “total health calculator” is only concerning weight, online quizzes that have nothing to do with health etc), I will be book marking it 🙂
Victoria from the Busy House Big Heart recently posted…First Vlog? Last Vlog?
Yes, that is true – it’s really nice to have something focused solely on women’s health. Good feedback on the total health calculator. I didn’t even notice that. I have really liked the information I have come across.
Great resource, Alexa. I have asthma, and as much as I like to say it’s under control, it still flares up. It’d be great to have a resource to get more information.
Alison recently posted…Thoughts, and a Recipe
Thank you Alison! I hope you find it to be a great resource too!
This sounds like such a complete resource. I am so glad you shared it with us, Alexa. Most health websites only focus on symptoms and treatment. I love that this website shows you how to actually enjoy life with RA (or whatever diagnosis you may have).
another jennifer recently posted…Philanthropy Friday: Fresh Air: Open Your Heart and Your Home
Yes, it is very comprehensive! I like those additional elements as well. And i think it’s really important that they provide info for the caregiver. Often people forget how hard it can be for the other people to know what to do for/with the person who is suffering!
Truly such a helpful post, and you can tell that this is an issue close to your heart. Well done. Sounds like an incredible service that can definitely help women.-Ashley
The Dose of Reality recently posted…Some Firsts Are Better Than Others
Thank you Ashley! Based on the comments so far about people who have a loved one with this disease, or have it themselves and are happy to have this resource, I think it’s gonna help people!
Hi Alexa! Sorry to hear you have RA, lupus and thyroid. I didn’t realize you had RA too and TOTALLY missed the SITS campaign for reviewing this company. We’ve talked before and I have had RA for 11 years now, came upon after the birth on my oldest son. Thanks for sharing this valuable info and helping other patients like me!
Tanya @ Mom’s Small Victories recently posted…Summer Biannual Blogathon Bash Goals and Accomplishments
My doctor hasn’t officially diagnosed me with RA – because my symptoms go all over the place, but lately I have had almost all the classic RA symptoms, so we’ll be speaking more about that next visit. I hope your visit goes well today! Let me know what you find out!
I totally agree with you on eat an anti-inflammatory diet which unfortunately means reducing my intake of white sugar and I have a vicious sweet tooth. But when I eat healthier, I weigh less and you’re so right that the lower weight helps my joints feel better. I need that if i’m going to keep up with my 3 boys.
I was battling depression and didn’t want to take medicine. I decided to leave my job and it’s amazing how relieving myself of job stress has helped me with both depression and my RA flares. RA is such an individual disease, different remedies work for different people. I like to share my experiences on my blog too and hope to write more about what works for me in case it helps others.
I meet with a new RA doctor this afternoon and I’m hoping it will be a change for the better. It’s a tough disease to deal with and I appreciate you sharing resources that help women manage it and have a positive attitude.
Tanya @ Mom’s Small Victories recently posted…Summer Biannual Blogathon Bash Goals and Accomplishments
I will definitely be visiting your blog more often! You are so right – it is such an individual experience, with such varied responses and flare ups. Stress for me is a number one causer for flare ups. I have recently been doing the Medifast diet – take shape for life – and it reduces sugar drastically from your diet, but provides foods that are low in sugar but still sweet and yummy. I too have a wicked sweet tooth, but after being on this particular diet for awhile, I tried to eat a brownie the other day and I could only handle about two bites, which was awesome!! I have a health coach if you are interested in learning more. I’ve lost 15 lbs in two months, and it’s helping a ton!
Wow..I ahd no idea you lived with this condition. You are one strong lady… you have faced many obstacles and seem to be thriving. Great post… informative and resourceful! Thanks for sharing…
Leah Elizabeth Locklear recently posted…What Every Girl, Mom, Woman, and Wife Needs
You are the sweetest! Thank you for those words of encouragement! I appreciate you taking the time to read and comment!
Am so sorry you have to suffer with this. Recently all my running has caught up with me. I have the beginning twinges of arthritis in one of my knees. Though I know it’s not the same as RA, I can only imagine having it in all my joints. I’m definitely going to click over to their site. Hope your pain improves.
Jamie@SouthMainMuse recently posted…Ten Favorite Photos of 2013.
Thank you Jamie! I am lucky that the medicines have gotten much better over the years and are far less negative. I’d heard horror stories about how sick the meds could make people (some are chemo drugs!) – but luckily I am able to function mostly wholly most of the times. But my husband wants me to do a tough mudder in November, and I’m a lot nervous about that!
My mother suffers from RA and I am so glad to have found this post. I am constantly worrying over her pain and I’m always looking for ways that could make her life just a little easier.
Thank you for sharing this valuable information. It is much appreciated.
Xae recently posted…Footloose 1984 vs Footloose 2011 – Inspired by The Dose Girls
So glad it can be helpful to you as a caregiver! I was so glad to find this resource!
My husband has Crohns Disease so I know what it is like living with a chronic illness. Its so great to know there is a resource for more information that is not just a doctor or a pharm rep pushing a prescription. It is hard finding unbiased information when you are just wanting to know more about how your body is affected. Im so glad someone with a personal take on chronic illness was chosen to share!
Denise Davis recently posted…A Sneak Peek at Charlotte Shopping Tour #ShopCharlotte
That is such an excellent point! I really like that brands are looking more to consumers now for input and advertising, so you get an insider’s view. I hope you’ll find some good information on resources as a caregiver/loved one!
I don’t suffer from it, thankfully, but I have a good friend who does. Thank you for sharing the information!
Thank you for taking the time to read and learn!
What an amazing place!! I can’t believe they provide all of this fantastic information…FOR FREE!!
What a great service! I can’t wait to click over!! –Lisa
The Dose of Reality recently posted…Some Firsts Are Better Than Others
Cause you are just awesome! Thanks Lisa! Free is the best.
It is so great that you can get all the information on this for free! How helpful is it to know that there are foods and activities that can help alleviate the symptoms!! This is a wonderful resource…I will definitely share!
Michelle recently posted…Is That A Bird in My House?
Thank you Michelle! I know, the web is a wonderful thing, isn’t it??
Hi Alexa –
I’m not really sure I ever mentioned it but my sister has MS – which I know very little about. I went onto the LifeScript site and started to get lost in the MS articles!
Thanks so much for sharing such an awesome resource!
Janene recently posted…What, Why, Where and How of Hashtags
I’m so sorry to hear that she has MS. That is a very tough disease as well! I hope you both are able to find a ton of useful information through Lifescript!
So great to find out about this great resource! I really feel that one thing we have control over is finding out everything we can about whatever diagnosis is thrown out at us, or about one of our family members. I’m so glad you found information that was helpful to you. And, I too am a big cherry almond anything fan!! Thanks again for the great info!
Kathy Radigan recently posted…Giving Credit Where Credit is Due
What a great post with so much information on this site! I will keep the info for anyone who I know who is suffering with any of these ailments.
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